
27 Feb

A Masterclass on Boosting Citations and Overcoming Journal Rejections 2024

Dalam dunia penerbitan akademis saat ini, mempromosikan penelitian sama pentingnya dengan mempublikasikannya di jurnal ternama. Peningkatan jumlah sitasi tentunya mempunyai dampak positif terhadap karir peneliti karena universitas dan lembaga pendanaan sering kali memperhitungkan jumlah publikasi dan jumlah sitasi secara bersamaan, ketika mengambil keputusan tenor dan hibah. Penting juga bagi editor untuk meningkatkan kutipan artikel yang diterbitkan di jurnal mereka untuk memaksimalkan jangkauan jurnal mereka.

Selain itu, penolakan naskah adalah hal biasa dan bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan termasuk topik penelitian yang tidak penting, hipotesis yang lemah, metodologi yang buruk, dan kesalahan penelitian. Peneliti harus tetap tenang dan tidak berkecil hati jika ada penolakan. Sebaliknya, mereka harus menganggapnya sebagai kesempatan belajar dan berupaya memperbaiki kesalahan mereka. Peneliti perlu memiliki pendekatan positif terhadap penolakan seperti memilih cara untuk memperbaiki naskah berdasarkan komentar pengulas dan jalur alternatif menuju publikasi.

Latest update: 26 February 2024


27 Feb 2024 from 09:30 - 14:30 (GMT +7)

Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Peneliti UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Hybrid with Zoom Meeting from Ballroom Teaching Industry Learning Center (TILC) Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Rafieiy.


Dr. Krishna Kumar Venkitachalam

Innovation Officer at Enago

Dr. Krishna adalah seorang ahli bedah ortopedi yang memiliki kualifikasi dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun dalam penerbitan akademis di bawah berbagai peran, termasuk penyuntingan naskah, penulisan naskah, pelatihan penyunting, pendidikan penulis, solusi teknologi bahasa, dan inovasi. Sebagai seorang penyunting/penulis, beliau telah membantu ratusan penulis/peneliti untuk menerbitkan penelitian mereka di jurnal-jurnal terkemuka di seluruh dunia. Dengan kecintaannya terhadap komunikasi ilmiah dan pengajaran, beliau telah menyelenggarakan beberapa program pelatihan interaktif dan workshop penulis. Ini termasuk workshop keliling di India dan internasional serta online workshop bekerja sama dengan universitas dan penerbit. Dengan latar belakangnya di dunia akademis, pengalaman dalam komunikasi ilmiah, dan ketertarikannya pada solusi teknologi, beliau berperan sebagai konsultan dalam integrasi teknologi baru ke platform penerbitan dan merancang solusi publikasi yang disesuaikan untuk lembaga dan penerbit.

19 Feb

Navigating Scientific Writing: Your Questions Answered by Nature Portfolio Editors (A Nature Masterclasses webinar)

The webinar is currently accessible on the Nature Masterclasses On-demand platform. You may view the materials by following this link.

How do I condense immense blocks of information into one short abstract?
What exactly makes a paper ‘effective’ and how do I know when I have achieved that?
What are narrative tools in scientific writing?

Writing a research paper is critical for any researcher’s success and our revamped, improved course “Writing a Research Paper: 2nd Edition” is a solid platform to gain the skills to navigate your scientific writing journey.

While we have made every effort to make your course as comprehensive as possible, scientific writing is nuanced and you may have more questions! Join us for a free webinar with Davide Esposito, Chief Editor of Nature Catalysis and Zoltan Fehervari, Senior Editor of Nature, for a stimulating Q&A session on the challenges you and your peers may face when drafting manuscripts. Whether you have a burning question about the complexities of titles and abstracts, or if you’re contemplating how best to communicate your crucial findings, we will help make your scientific writing process as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Please note that any questions should be submitted during registration, in the registration link. While we will attempt to answer your questions as much as we can, we may only be able to cover questions of common interest or topics that are generally overlooked in scientific discussions. Even if you do not have any questions yourself, we still encourage you to join to benefit from the strategies discussed.

To maximise your learning experience with this webinar, we recommend you work through our “Writing a Research Paper: 2nd Edition” course either before or after you join.

Latest update: 20 March 2024


19 Feb 2024 from 23.00 - 00.00 (GMT +7)
20 Feb 2024 from 16.00 - 17.00 (GMT +7)

Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event

Similar events
To maximise your learning experience with this webinar, we recommend you work through our “Writing a Research Paper: 2nd Edition” course either before or after you join.

Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Rafieiy (ugm-nmo@googlegroups.com).

Editors in this Webinar

Davide Esposito, Chief Editor of Nature Catalysis, became an editor of Nature Catalysis in 2017, handling a variety of topics across the field of heterogeneous catalysis. Before joining Nature Research he has worked as principal investigator at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, leading a group specialised in the development of new catalytic methods for biomass upgrade and sustainable chemistry. Davide was awarded the title of Doctor of Science from the ETH Zürich in 2012, where he received training in organic and carbohydrate chemistry. He became Chief Editor of Nature Catalysis in 2020.


Zoltan Fehervari, Senior Editor of Nature, initially read Zoology at the University of Reading, UK, followed by a short stint working as a marine biologist in Norway. Following this, he worked on corneal allografting at Imperial College London, and then a PhD with GSK and the University of Cambridge looking at immunological tolerance. He did his postdoc at Kyoto University, Japan, studying regulatory T cells. He then moved into editing firstly at Cell Press before moving to Springer Nature. He is currently a senior editor at Nature covering mainly infectious disease, immunology and vaccinology.


31 Jan

Bimbingan Teknis Optimalisasi Penggunaan SciVal untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Penelitian 2024

Pertumbuhan pesat dalam dunia riset dan publikasi ilmiah memunculkan tantangan baru dalam mengukur dampak dan relevansi suatu output penelitian. Selain itu, penelitian yang berkualitas juga memerlukan pemahaman mendalam tentang tren isu global dan kolaborasi riset yang efektif. Menanggapi hal tersebut, Direktorat Penelitian Universitas Gadjah Mada mengadakan “Bimbingan Teknis Optimalisasi Penggunaan SciVal untuk Meningkatkan Produktifitas Penelitian”

Apa yang bisa didapat dari platform SciVal?
- Akses ke berbagai metrik riset
- Mengidentifikasi tren riset terkini
- Mengevaluasi dampak karya ilmiah
- Merancang tujuan stategis penelitian yang lebih terarah

Latest update: 29 January 2024

09 Jul

AAS-in-Asia Conference 2024

“Global Asias: Latent Histories, Manifest Impacts”

Throughout history, Asia has been a global crossroads of civilizations, politics, trade, migration, religions, arts, and material cultures. In the modern era, especially since the last century, Asia’s role as a key player in the global flow of ideas, people, and materials has become even more pronounced, from the impact of the Japanese auto industry to the explosion of K-pop, the globalization of Bollywood films, the political influence of the Southeast Asian region, and China’s New Silk Road Initiative. Asian diasporas in the Americas, Oceania, Africa, and Europe are also important conduits of global finance, art, food, and education. Diasporas from other continents are also migrating to Asia, creating a new dynamism. In discussions of these phenomena, “Asia” is sometimes talked about as a homogeneous entity; however, it has always been highly diverse, complex and fluid. In the twenty-first century, we face numerous challenges, such as the crisis of democracy, the impact of the global order of neoliberalism, the affirmative and problematic advances in digital technology, including AI, and the escalating environmental crisis. This particular historical juncture calls for innovative approaches that shed new light on Asia as an idea, a method, and a framework.

The theme of the conference is “Global Asias” as a new historical, conceptual, and methodological lens for exploring the multiplicity, complexity, and dynamics of Asia in its manifest and hidden connections within the region and with the rest of the world from antiquity to the present. With the 2024 AAS-in-Asia being held in Indonesia, where pluralism lives in its history, constitution, culture, languages, religions, and physical geography, the city of Yogyakarta will be well suited for our intellectual and cultural exchange on Global Asias. We therefore welcome all disciplinary and thematic approaches to Global Asias: history, literature, religion, cinema, law, politics, labor, economics, gender, archaeology, linguistics, sociology, anthropology, media studies, social movements, public health (pandemic) and the environment.

Latest update: 29 May 2024

Date 9–11 July 2024

Category Conference
Language English
Participants Public
Location Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

Registration for this event requires an account in the AAS online portal. If you do not have an AAS account, you need to create one.


Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact aasinasia@ugm.ac.id.

Special events

Timor Leste – Indonesia Workshop

Workshop on Migration and Interconnectivity in the Global South

Film Screening & Discussion

Of Divine Eloquence: Intertwined conversations in the languages of Islamic, Chinese, Javanese and Korean Calligraphies

Tang Prize Lecture: China’s Great Tombs and the Treasures They Have Revealed

Japan Foundation Special Panel


25 Okt

Nature Masterclasses Series 2023 “Increasing Your Visibility as a Researcher Using Social Media”

The webinar is currently accessible on the Nature Masterclasses On-demand platform. You may view the materials by following this link.

Do you already use social media to share your latest findings, but struggle to make yourself visible to a wider audience and grow your network? Are you deeply passionate about your work, but still need strategies to communicate it in a creative, interesting, and accessible way? If these speak to you, please join us for this exciting webinar "Increasing your visibility as a researcher using social media" at the end of October.

In the one-hour webinar, we shall explore:
- The first steps to establishing visibility on social media & keeping an audience
- Creative approaches to sharing scientific findings on social media
- Networking on social media as a researcher and reaching people in your area of study
- Using social media to build a researcher profile to the best of your benefit

We warmly welcome you to join us for “increasing your visibility as a researcher using social media” on a day and time that is convenient for you. The learning content for both sessions will be the same.

Latest update: 6 October 2023


25 Oct 2023 at 1 pm – 2 pm (GMT+7)
27 Oct 2023 at 2:30 am – 3:30 am (GMT+7)

Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event

Similar events
To get the most out of this webinar, we highly recommend you work through our communications-related, on-demand course, “Effective Science Communication” before you join.

Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Rafieiy.

About the trainer

Dr. Sophia Gad-Nasr, a rising cosmologist and astroparticle physicist working on dark matter. With a Twitter/X following of over 70k and a palpable passion for science communication, Sophia is well-known for effectively engaging an online audience with her work using varied online content. Her active and strategic engagement with social media as a researcher has also earned her a Social Media Manager Fellowship at the University of California, Irvine.

05 Okt

Preparing Your AAS-in-Asia 2024 Panel Proposal

“Preparing Your AAS-in-Asia Panel Proposal” will introduce the AAS-in-Asia Call for Proposals (CFP) and de-mystify this often intimidating process. AAS Director of Special Initiatives, Krisna Uk, will provide viewers with an overview of submission guidelines, discuss how the Program Committee carries out its work, and respond to audience questions. This Digital Dialogue is open to all (both AAS Members and non-members), and may be especially helpful for those who have not previously submitted a proposal to an AAS-in-Asia conference.

Latest update: 19 September 2023

Date 5 Oct 2023 at 7 pm – 8 pm

Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Umum
Location Virtual event

Registration for this event requires an account in the AAS online portal. If you do not have an AAS account, you need to create one.


Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact AASinAsia@asianstudies.org.

About the trainer

Krisna Uk joined AAS in May 2017 and her role involves developing new strategic initiatives and events, as well as relations with funders. Prior to joining the AAS, she was Executive Director at the Center for Khmer Studies, an American overseas research center based in Cambodia, designing and running programs focused on the history, politics, and culture of Cambodia and neighboring countries in Southeast Asia. Her experience in Cambodia also includes overseeing landmine clearance programs and a period living in a remote village in the northeast of the country researching the impacts of the Indochina War on ethnic minority communities. This formed the basis for her PhD at Cambridge University. In addition to her interest in Asian art history and material culture, her favorite hobby is the practice of Muay Thai, or Thai boxing.

20 Sep

Penerimaan Pra Proposal Program Peningkatan Kapasitas Peneliti dalam Penyusunan Proposal Interdisiplin Tahun 2023

Yth. Bapak/Ibu Dosen
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Direktorat Penelitian UGM membuka kesempatan kepada Bapak/Ibu Dosen di lingkungan Universitas Gadjah Mada untuk mengikuti Program Peningkatan Kapasitas Peneliti dalam Penyusunan Proposal Interdisiplin Gelmbang 2 Tahun 2023.

Bapak/Ibu Dosen dapat melakukan pendaftaran dan mengunggah pra proposal melalui laman simaster.ugm.ac.id. mulai tanggal 20 September – 18 Oktober 2023. Panduan dan format penulisan pra proposal Program Peningkatan Kapasitas Peneliti dalam Penyusunan Proposal Interdisiplin Tahun 2023 dapat diunduh di website Direktorat Penelitian UGM (terlampir).

1. Pedoman dan Template Penulisan Pra Proposal
2. Template Proposal

Latest update: 18 September 2023

Waktu 20 September – 18 Oktober 2023

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Seksi Riset Industri – Direktorat Penelitian: Nimas Resmita Kawuriaji (0838-6975-6643).

10 Okt

Open Call Single Particle Analysis using Cryo-EM Workshop

Yth. Bapak/Ibu Dosen
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Bersama ini kami sampakan bahwa Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional bekerja sama dengan Thermo Fisher Scientific akan menyelenggarakan Lokakarya Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM) yang komprehensif pada tanggal 10-13 Oktober 2023.

Pendaftaran peserta dilaksanakan dengan menyampaikan proposal sesuai dengan format yang diunduh melalui tautan  https://bit.ly/SPA-BRIN ke surel cyro-em@brin.go.id cc dana-risnov@brin.go.id. dengan subyek surel SPA_(Last name)_(First name) sebelum tanggal 15 September 2023 jam 23.59 WIB.

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat dilihat dalam tautan ugm.id/SPAWorkshopCryoEMBRIN2023

Narahubung: Sdr. Syaeful (+6281323412237)

Atas perhatian dan kerja sama Bapak/Ibu Dosen, disampaikan terima kasih.

Direktorat Penelitian

Lampiran: Pengumuman Open Call Single Particle Analysis using Cryo-EM Workshop

Latest update: 14 September 2023

Waktu 10 – 13 Oktober 2023

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat dilihat dalam tautan ugm.id/SPAWorkshopCryoEMBRIN2023
Narahubung: Sdr. Syaeful (+6281323412237)

14 Sep

Author Workshop for Graduate Student 2023 ‘How to Turn Your Thesis/Dissertation into a Journal Article’

Demi tercapainya target kinerja dalam hal publikasi ilmiah, penggalakan peran mahasiswa sebagai mitra dalam penelitian dan produksi publikasi ilmiah UGM sangat penting untuk dijalankan, yang juga sebagai sarana membekali mahasiswa dengan ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk meningkatkan daya saing mereka di dunia internasional. Dalam pelaksanaan strategi ini, ketentuan tentang keluaran yang harus dihasilkan oleh setiap mahasiswa di perguruan tinggi di Indonesia yang diatur dalam Permenristekdikti Nomor 50 Tahun 2018 tentang Perubahan Atas Permenristekdikti Nomor: 44 Tahun 2015 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi, dan Permendikbud Nomor: 39 tahun 2021 tentang Integritas Akademik dalam Menghasilkan Karya Ilmiah harus diacu. Untuk jenjang sarjana, mahasiswa diharuskan untuk menghasilkan makalah yang terbit pada jurnal ilmiah sebagai salah satu syarat kelulusan. Pada jenjang magister, mahasiswa diwajibkan menghasilkan karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal ilmiah yang terakreditasi tingkat nasional, sementara pada tingkat doktoral, untuk memperoleh gelarnya, mahasiswa diwajibkan mempunyai manuskrip publikasi ilmiah dengan status diterima di sebuah jurnal internasional. Di lingkungan UGM, implementasi Surat Edaran Dirjendikti Nomor: 152/E/T/2012 telah diakomodasi dengan disusunnya ‘Naskah Akademik’ Kebijakan Makro Percepatan Rekognisi Global melalui Publikasi Ilmiah dalam Kerangka Kurikulum UGM pada tahun 2015 dan diterbitkannya Peraturan Rektor Universitas Gadjah Mada Nomor 11 Tahun 2016 Tentang Pendidikan Pascasarjana dan Peraturan Rektor UGM Nomor: 16 Tahun 2018 tentang Authorship Publikasi Ilmiah, dan Peraturan Rektor UGM Nomor: 7 Tahun 2022 tentang Standar Pendidikan Tinggi UGM.
Pemaksimalan potensi publikasi mahasiswa dapat dilakukan dengan program kerja sebagai berikut.

  1. Melakukan ‘konversi’ skripsi, tesis, dan disertasi menjadi karya tulis ilmiah (KTI), dan melakukan ‘reworking’ KTI. Reworking adalah mengerjakan kembali, merekonstruksi, atau memperbaiki KTI yang sudah disusun oleh mahasiswa;
  2. Penyiapan sumber daya manusia (SDM) untuk reworking KTI. SDM yang harus disiapkan terdiri atas penulis dan staf tata kelola (misalnya klinik publikasi);
  3. Penyusunan kebijakan dan kendali kepemimpinan, dan
  4. Peningkatan budaya menulis mahasiswa melalui pelatihan teknik penulisan ilmiah. Sosialisasi agar mahasiswa paham seluk beluk jurnal ilmiah dan cara publikasinya sehingga mendorong dan meningkatkan minat publikasi pada mahasiswa.

Latest update: 11 September 2023

Waktu 14 September 2023

Kategori Workshop
Bahasa Indonesia
Peserta Mahasiswa S2 & S3 UGM
Location Ruang Multimedia II Kantor Pusat UGM

Info lebih lanjut silakan menghubungi bpp@ugm.ac.id.

01 Feb

Klinik Publikasi

Pelajari panduan program
Isi formulir isian
Unggah dokumen
Proposal (.PDF):
1. Formulir pendaftaran
2. Tangkapan layar status keaktifan pada SISTER
3. Pakta integritas

Dokumen Pendukung (.DOC/.DOCX):
1. Naskah
2. Format artikel jurnal

Dapatkan e-mail pengumuman
Pelaksanaan kegiatan klinik
Laporkan proses publikasi naskah pada SIMASTER

Waktu 1 Feb – 15 Nov 2024

Kategori Pendampingan
Syarat pengusul Dosen UGM

Latest update
29 Feb 2024

Panduan hanya dapat diakses dengan akun UGM. Silakan login dengan akun UGM sebelum mengakses panduan ini. Informasi akses

Informasi terkait bantuan ini dapat menghubungi Direktorat Penelitian.

Daftar Pendamping

NamaFakultas/SekolahH-index ScopusExpertise
Prof. Dr. Endang Semiarti, M.S., M.Sc.Biologi12Plant culture,
Plant cell and molecular biology,
Plant tissue culture,
Plant biotechnology,
Molecular genetic of plant development
Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, M.Acc., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis8Management accounting
Prof. Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom., Cand.Merc., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis8Business information management (incl. records, knowledge and information management, and intelligence),
Widya Paramita, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis7Marketing not elsewhere classified
Nofie Iman Vidya Kemal, S.E., M.Sc. Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis6Business information management (incl. records, knowledge and information management, and intelligence),
Innovation and technology management,
Business information systems
Prof. Tri Widodo, M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis5Economic development and growth,
International economics and international finance
Syaiful Ali, S.E., MIS., Ph.D., Ak.Ekonomika dan Bisnis5Auditing and accountability,
Information system
Drs. Bernardinus Maria PurwantoEkonomika dan Bisnis5Marketing communications
Elan Satriawan, M.Ec., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis5Economic development and growth,
Health economics
Dr. Sumiyana, Ak., M.Si.Ekonomika dan Bisnis4Financial accounting,
Information system
Rika Fatimah, M.Sc., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis4Business and management not elsewhere classified
Prof. Dr. Mamduh Mahmadah Hanafi, M.B.A.Ekonomika dan Bisnis4Finance
Sari Sitalaksmi, M.Mgt., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis4Human resources management,
Industrial relations
Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Akt.Ekonomika dan Bisnis4Sustainability accounting and reporting,
Information systems management
Dr. Bagus Santoso, M.Soc.Sc.Ekonomika dan Bisnis4Mathematical economics,
Macroeconomic theory,
Macroeconomics (incl. monetary and fiscal theory)
Prof. Dr. Basu Swastha Dharmmesta, M.B.A.Ekonomika dan Bisnis4Consumer-oriented product or service development
Dr. Setiyono, Ak., M.B.A.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Accounting theory and standards,
Financial accounting,
International accounting,
Sustainability accounting and reporting
Heyvon Herdhayinta, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Socioemotional wealth,
Family firms,
Oil price shocks,
Oil markets,
Interest margin,
Bank profitability,
Boyke Rudy Purnomo, S.E., M.M., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Entrepreneurship,
Entrepreneurship, SMEs development, small industry finance,
Institutional entrepreneurship,
Small business management,
Innovation and technology management
Dr. Dra. Sari Winahjoe Siswomihardjo, M.B.A.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Marketing not elsewhere classified
Rokhima Rostiani, S.E., M.Mgt.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Marketing not elsewhere classified,
Dr. Eko Suwardi, Ak., M.Sc.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Taxation accounting,
Financial accounting,
Auditing and accountability
Drs Rusdi Akbar, Akt., M.Sc., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Public sector management accounting
Akhmad Akbar Susamto, S.E., M.Phil., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Islamic economics,
Political economics,
Political economics in macroeconomic policy,
Political economics in technology,
Industry policy,
Institutional economics
Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, M.B.A., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Entrepreneurship
Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.SM., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Marketing management (incl. strategy and customer relations)
Dr. Drs. Sahid Susilo Nugroho, M.ScEkonomika dan Bisnis3Marketing management (incl. strategy and customer relations),
Marketing communications
Bayu Aji Aritejo, S.E., M.M., M.Si.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Hospitality management,
Consumer-oriented product or service development,
Marketing management (incl. strategy and customer relations)
Bowo Setiyono, S.E., M.Com., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Banking, finance and investment not elsewhere classified
Dr. Rangga Almahendra, S.T., M.M.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Business and management not elsewhere classified,
Social work not elsewhere classified
Prof. Dr. Tandelilin Eduardus, M.B.A.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Finance,
Corporate governance and stakeholder engagement
Fu'ad Rakhman, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Financial accounting
Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo, S.E., M.A., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Economics of education,
Experimental economics
Prof. Dr. Lincolin Arsyad, M.Sc.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Applied economics not elsewhere classified
Eddy Junarsin, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Finance
Prof. Amin Wibowo, S.E., M.B.A., Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Human resources management,
Business and management not elsewhere classified
Prof. Dr. Jogiyanto Hartono Mustakini, M.B.AEkonomika dan Bisnis3Information system
Singgih Wijayana, S.E., M.Si. Ph.D.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Financial accounting,
Accounting, auditing and accountability not elsewhere classified
Dr. Rimawan Pradiptyo, S.E., M.Sc.Ekonomika dan Bisnis3Public economics- public choice,
Applied economics not elsewhere classified
Prof. Dr. apt. Abdul Rohman, M.Si.Farmasi33Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
Prof. Dr. apt. Edy Meiyanto, M.Si.Farmasi19Medicinal chemistry,
Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry
Prof. Dr. apt. Agung Endro Nugroho, M.Si.Farmasi18Pharmacology & clinical pharmacy
Dr.rer.nat. apt. Adam Hermawan, M.Sc.Farmasi16Medicinal chemistry
Dr.rer.nat. Ronny Martien, M.Si.Farmasi14Pharmaceutical technology
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. apt. Triana Hertiani, M.Si.Farmasi12Phytochemistry
Prof. Dr. apt. Susi Ari Kristina, M.Kes.Farmasi12Pharmaceutical management and social pharmacy
Rangga Kala Mahaswa, S.Fil., M.Phil.Filsafat3History and philosophy of science (incl. non-historical philosophy of science)
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Muh Aris Marfai, S.Si., M.Sc.Geografi18Geomorphology,
Disaster mitigation,
Coastal management,
Geospatial information
Prof. Dr. Pramaditya Wicaksono, M.Sc.Geografi15Remote sensing,
Thematic mapping,
Coastal biodiversity,
Benthic habitat
Dr. Danang Sri Hadmoko, S.Si., M.Sc.Geografi12Geomorphology,
Hazard mitigation,
Volcanic geomorphology
I Gusti Agung Made Wardana, S.H., LL.M., Ph.D.Hukum6Environmental law,
Legal geography,
Political ecology,
Socio-legal studies,
Law and society
R. Herlambang Perdana Wiratraman, S.H., M.A.Hukum3Human rights,
Law and society,
Constutional law,
Legal research
Alfatika Aunuriella Dini, S.H., M.Kn., Ph.DHukum3ICT law,
Data protection
Dr. Mohamad Yusuf, M.A.Ilmu Budaya5Anthropology of development
Prof. Dr. Pujo Semedi Hargo Yuwono, M.A.Ilmu Budaya4Anthropology of development,
Social and cultural anthropology
Prof. Dr. Setiadi, S.Sos., M.Si.Ilmu Budaya3Anthropology of development,
Social and cultural anthropology
Dr. Agus Suwignyo, M.A.Ilmu Budaya3History
Prof. Dr. Bambang Hudayana, M.A.Ilmu Budaya3Social and cultural anthropology,
Anthropology of development
Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum.,
Ilmu Budaya3Literary theory and culture,
Prof. Dr. Fadlil Munawwar Manshur, M.S.Ilmu Budaya3Language, Communication and Culture/ Literary Theory/ Literary Studies
Dr. Bevaola Kusumasari, SIP., M.Si.ISIPOL9Public policy,
Urban policy
Ely Susanto, S.IP., MBA., Ph.D.ISIPOL6Human resources management,
Public administration
Tauchid Komara Yuda, S.Sos., MDPISIPOL5Social policy
Indri Dwi Apriliyanti, S.IP., M.B.A., Ph.D.ISIPOL5Economic development policy,
Political economy
Prof. Dr. Poppy Sulistyaning Winanti, S.I.P., M.P.P., M.Sc.ISIPOL4International relations,
Political economy
Dr. Amalinda Savirani, S.IP., M.A.ISIPOL4Political economy,
Urban politics
Amelia Maika, S.Sos., MA.ISIPOL4Family and household studies,
Sociological methodology and research methods,
Sociology of education,
Social theory
Dr. Nanang Indra Kurniawan, S.IP., M.P.A.ISIPOL4Environmental politics,
Political economy
Dr. Erda Rindrasih, S.Si., M.U.R.PISIPOL3Urban and regional planning,
Geography-regional development,
Tourism and international development
Nyarwi Ahmad, S.I.P., M.Si., Ph.D.ISIPOL3Communication studies
Prof. Dr. Janianton Damanik, M.Si.ISIPOL3Community based development
Dr. M. Falikul Isbah, G.D.Soc., M.A.ISIPOL3Religi sociology,
Economic sociology,
Work sociology,
Digital economy,
Awareness issues
Dr. Muhammad Najib, S.Sos., M.A.ISIPOL3Peace studies,
Social conflict,
Social movement and development,
Social theory,
Youth studies
Prof. Dr. Phil. Hermin Indah Wahyuni, S.IP., M.Si.ISIPOL3Communication studies
Prof. Dr. Agus Pramusinto, M.Dev.Admin.ISIPOL3Public policy,
Public administration
Prof. drg. Ika Dewi Ana, M.Kes., Ph.D.Kedokteran Gigi15Biomaterials,
Medical devices,
Regenerative medicine (incl. stem cells and tissue engineering)
Prof. drg. Supriatno, M.Kes., MDsc., Ph.D.Kedokteran Gigi13Oral medicine and pathology,
Cancer therapy (excl. chemotherapy and radiation therapy),
Molecular targets,
Cell development, proliferation and death
drh. Agung Budiyanto, M.P., Ph.D.Kedokteran Hewan16Veterinary reproduction
Dr. drh. Soedarmanto IndarjuliantoKedokteran Hewan14Veterinary medicine,
Veterinary internal medicine
Prof. Dr. drh. Siti Isrina Oktavia SalasiaKedokteran Hewan12Veterinary clinical pathology,
Veterinary diagnosis and diagnostics
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Maryudi, S.Hut., M.For.Kehutanan23Forest policy
Dr.rer.silv. Muhammad Ali Imron, S.Hut., M.Sc .Kehutanan14Wildlife management,
Behavioural ecology,
Agent-based modeling,
Conservation and biodiversity,
Population ecology
Prof. Dr.Agr.Sc. Ir. Ragil Widyorini, S.T., M.T., IPU.Kehutanan13Engineering biomaterials
Prof. dr. Adi Utarini, M.Sc., MPH., Ph.D.KKMK20Health care administration
dr. Muhammad Bayu Sasongko, M.Epi, Ph.D., Sp.MKKMK20Ophthalmology
dr. Mei Neni Sitaresmi, Sp.A(K)., Ph.D.KKMK18Paediatrics
Prof. dr. Gunadi, Ph.D, Sp.BA., Subsp.DA(K)KKMK17Surgery
Prof. dr. Jarir At Thobari, DPharm, Ph.D.KKMK16Pharmacology & clinical pharmacy
Prof. dr. Siswanto Agus Wilopo, SU, M.Sc, Sc.DKKMK16Environmental and occupational health and safety
Prof. dr. Yodi Mahendradhata, M.Sc., Ph.D, FRSPHKKMK16Health care administration
dr. Ahmad Hamim Sadewa, Ph.D.KKMK16Medical biochemistry: amino acids and metabolites
dr. Arief Budiyanto, Ph.D.Sp.KK(K)KKMK16Dermatology
dr. Sumadi Lukman Anwar, M.Sc., Ph.D., Sp.B(K)OnkKKMK16Surgery
Dr. Dra. Retna Siwi Padmawati, MA.KKMK14Public health and health services not elsewhere classified
Prof. Dra. Raden Ajeng Yayi Suryo Prabandari, M.Si., Ph.D.KKMK14Health promotion
Prof. dr. Mora Claramita, MHPE., Ph.D.KKMK14Medical and health sciences not elsewhere classified
dr. M. Lutfan Lazuardi, M.Kes., Ph.D.KKMK14Health care administration
Prof. Dr.Med. dr. Retno Danarti, Sp.KK(K).KKMK14Dermatology
Jajah Fachiroh, SP., M.Si., Ph.D.KKMK13Medical and health sciences not elsewhere classified
Prof. Dr. Mustofa, Apt., M.Kes.KKMK13Pharmacotherapy & clinical pharmacy
dr. Agus Surono, Ph.D, M.Sc., Sp.T.H.T.K.L(K)KKMK13Otorhinolaryngology
dr. Riris Andono Ahmad, MPH, Ph.DKKMK13Epidemiology,
Infectious diseases
dr. Eggi Arguni, M.Sc., Ph.D., Sp.A(K).KKMK13Paediatrics
dr. R. Detty Siti Nurdiati Z, MPH., Ph.D., Sp.OG(K).KKMK13Obstetrics and gynaecology
dr. Nur Arfian, Ph.D.KKMK12Medical and health sciences not elsewhere classified
dr. Retno Sutomo, Sp.A(K), Ph.DKKMK12Paediatrics
Dr. Med. dr. Putrika Prastuti Ratna Gharini, Sp.JP(K)KKMK12Cardiology (incl. cardiovascular diseases)
dr. Abu Tholib, M.Sc., Ph.D., Sp.MK(K).KKMK12Medical and health sciences not elsewhere classified
Prof. dr. Tri Wibawa, Ph.D., Sp.MK(K)KKMK12Medical infection agents (incl. prions)
Prof. Dr.Eng. Kuwat Triyana, M.SMIPA24Sensory systems,
Sensor technology (chemical aspects),
Engineering instrumentation
Prof. Drs. Sri Juari Santosa, M.Eng., Ph.D.MIPA20Separation science,
Environmental chemistry (incl. atmospheric chemistry)
Dr. Iman Santoso, S.Si., M.Sc.MIPA19Electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter,
Surfaces and structural properties of condensed matter,
Condensed matter physics not elsewhere classified
Prof. Drs. Mudasir, M.Eng., Ph.D.MIPA19Analytical spectrometry,
lnstrumental methods (excl. immunological and bioassay methods),
Sensor technology (chemical aspects),
Separation science,
Analytical chemistry not elsewhere classified
Prof. Yusril Yusuf, S.Si., M.Si., M.Eng., D.Eng., Ph.D.MIPA18Physical sciences not elsewhere classified
Prof. Drs. Roto, M.Eng, Ph.D.MIPA18Electroanalytical chemistry,
Sensor technology (chemical aspects),
Separation science,
Chemical characterisation of materials,
Nanochemistry and supramolecular chemistry,
Prof. Drs. Jumina, Ph.D.MIPA17Macromolecular and materials chemistry not elsewhere classified,
Biologically active molecules,
Organic chemical synthesis,
lndustrial chemistry
Prof. Drs. Agus Harjoko, M.Sc., Ph.D.MIPA16Machine vision,
Image processing
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Karna Wijaya, M.Eng.MIPA16Nanochemistry and supramolecular chemistry,
Physical chemistry of materials,
Catalysis and mechanisms of reactions
Prof. Dra. Wega Trisunaryanti, M.S., Ph.D.,Eng.MIPA16Physical chemistry of materials,
Chemical characterisation of materials,
Synthesis of materials,
Catalysis and mechanisms of reactions,
Colloid and surface chemistry,
Dr.Eng. Ahmad Kusumaatmaja, S.Si., M.ScMIPA15Physical sciences not elsewhere classified,
Polymers and plastics
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Nuryono, M.S.MIPA15F-Block chemistry,
Main group metal chemistry,
Inorganic chemistry not elsewhere classified,
Chemical characterisation of materials,
Transition metal chemistry,
Synthesis of materials
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Harno Dwi Pranowo, M.Si.MIPA13Biomolecular modelling and design,
Cheminformatics and quantitative structure-activity relationships,
Molecular medicine,
Physical organic chemistry,
Statistical mechanics in chemistry,
Theoretical and computational chemistry not elsewhere classified,
Molecular simulation,
Molecular modeling,
Computer aided molecular design
Prof. Dr.Eng. Edi Suharyadi, S.Si., M.Eng.MIPA12Surfaces and structural properties of condensed matter
Prof. Indriana Kartini, S.Si., M.Si., Ph.D.MIPA12Solid state chemistry,
Transition metal chemistry,
Chemical characterisation of materials,
Nanochemistry and supramolecular chemistry,
Synthesis of materials,
Structural chemistry and spectroscopy,
Semiconductor and photocatalysys
Prof. Dr. Ir. Alim Isnansetyo, M.Sc.Pertanian18Fish pests and diseases,
Prof. Dr.rer.nat. Junun Sartohadi, M.Sc.Pertanian16Soil geography,
Soil and water conservation techniques,
Geomorphology and regolith and landscape evolution,
Agricultural land management,
Natural resource management
Prof. Dr. Ir. Siti Subandiyah, M.Agr.Sc.Pertanian15Bacteriology,
Agricultural biotechnology diagnostics (incl. biosensors)
Noer Kasanah, S.Si., M.Si., Apt., Ph.D.Pertanian14Natural products chemistry,
Biologically active molecules,
Marine microbiology
Prof. Ir. Yuny Erwanto, S.Pt., M.P., Ph.D., IPMPeternakan13Animal food production security
Prof. Drs. Subandi, M.A., Ph.D.Psikologi8Health, clinical and counselling psychology,
Psychology of religion,
Psychological methodology, design and analysis
Supra Wimbarti, M.Sc., Ph.D.Psikologi5Developmental psychology and ageing,
Biological psychology (neuropsychology, psychopharmacology, physiological psychology),
Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks
Dr. Budi Andayani, M.A.Psikologi4Developmental psychology and ageing,
Social and community psychology
Galang Lufityanto, S.Psi., M.Psi., Ph.D.Psikologi3Industrial and organisational psychology,
Decision making,
Sensory processes,
Perception and performance
Pradytia Putri Pertiwi, S.Psi., Ph.D.Psikologi3Disability inclusion,
Disaster and humanitarian crisis
Prof. Dr.Eng. Ir. Deendarlianto, S.T., M.Eng.Teknik21Fluidisation and fluid mechanics,
Computational fluid dynamics,
Energy generation, conversion and storage engineering,
Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation
Prof. Dr.Eng. Ir. Arief Budiman, M.S., IPU.Teknik18Non-automotive combustion and fuel engineering (incl. alternative),
Chemical engineering design
Prof. Ir. Hanung Adi Nugroho, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM., SMIEEE.Teknik18Computer vision,
Expert systems,
Image processing,
Pattern recognition and data mining,
Artificial intelligence and image processing not elsewhere classified,
Signal processing,
Electrical and electronic engineering not elsewhere classified
Widyawan, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.Teknik18Big data,
Machine learning,
Pervasive computing
Prof. Ir. Imam Prasetyo, M.Eng., Ph.D.Teknik17Synthesis of materials,
Heat and mass transfer operations
Prof. Ir. Rochmadi, S.U., Ph.D., IPU.Teknik17Chemical engineering design,
Polymers and plastics,
Wastewater treatment processes
Dr.Eng. Ir. Adha Imam Cahyadi, S.T., M.Eng., IPM.Teknik16Control systems, robotics and automation
Ir. Oyas Wahyunggoro, MT., Ph.D.Teknik16Control systems, robotics and automation,
Neural, evolutionary and fuzzy computation,
Industrial electronics
Dr. Ir. Kusmono, S.T., M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng.Teknik15Metals and alloy materials,
Polymers and plastics,
Composite and hybrid materials
Dr. Indah Soesanti, S.T., M.T.Teknik15Image processing,
Pattern recognition and data mining,
Signal processing
Ir. Muslim Mahardika, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng.Teknik15Manufacturing processes and technologies (excl. textiles),
Prof. Ir. Wahyudi Budi Sediawan, S.U., Ph.D.Teknik15Chemical engineering design,
Chemical engineering not elsewhere classified
Ir. Rochim Bakti Cahyono, ST., M.Sc. Ph.D., IPM.Teknik14Wastewater treatment processes,
Energy generation, conversion and storage engineering
Prof. Dr. Ir. Risanuri Hidayat, M.Sc., IPM.Teknik14Signal processing,
Data communications,
Wireless communications,
Microelectronics and integrated circuits,
Computer communications networks
Prof. Ir. Lukito Edi Nugroho, M.Sc., Ph.D.Teknik14Ubiquitous computing,
Mobile technologies,
Software engineering,
Information and computing sciences not elsewhere classified
Ir. Subagyo, Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng.Teknik13Three - dimensional concurrent engineering,
Data analysis,
Quality engineering
Dr.Eng. Ir. Igi Ardiyanto, S.T., M.Eng.Teknik13Adaptive agents and intelligent robotics,
Computer vision,
Pattern recognition and data mining,
Neural, evolutionary and fuzzy computation,
Control systems, robotics and automation,
Image processing
Dr.Eng. Ir. Sunu Wibirama, S.T., M.Eng., IPM.Teknik13Computer vision,
Image processing,
Neural, evolutionary and fuzzy computation,
Computer-human interaction,
Applied statistics,
Neurocognitive patterns and neural networks
Ir. Adhistya Erna Permanasari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Teknik13Expert systems,
Pattern recognition and data mining,
Higher education,
Analysis of algorithms and complexity,
Decision support and group support systems,
Information and computing sciences not elsewhere classified
Prof. Ir. Bertha Maya Shopa, ST., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU., ASEAN Eng.Teknik13Logistics and supply chain engineering,
Agent-based modelling,
Industrial ecology
Prof. Ir. Chandra Wahyu Purnomo, S.T., M.E., M.Eng.,D.Eng., IPM.Teknik13Functional materials,
Environmental technologies,
Chemical engineering design
Sang Kompiang Wirawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.Teknik13Membrane and separation technologies,
Chemical engineering design
Ir. Muhammad Akhsin Muflikhun, S.T., MSME., Ph.DTeknik13Numerical modelling and mechanical characterisation,
Theoretical and applied mechanics,
Mechanical engineering not elsewhere classified,
Composite and hybrid materials,
Prof. Himawan Tri Bayu Murti Petrus, ST., M.E., D.EngTeknik13Chemical engineering not elsewhere classified,
Membrane and separation technologies
Prof. Ir. Paulus Insap Santosa, M.Sc., Ph.D., IPU.Teknik13Computer-human interaction,
Information systems management,
Programming languages,
Software engineering
Teguh Bharata Adji, S.T., M.T., M.Eng., Ph.DTeknik13Natural language processing,
Decision support and group support systems
Ir. Wiratni, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM.Teknik13Chemical engineering design,
Wastewater treatment processes
Prof. Ir. Mochammad Noer Ilman, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D., IPM., ASEAN Eng.Teknik13Resources engineering and extractive metallurgy not elsewhere classified,
Manufacturing processes and technologies (excl. textiles),
Metals and alloy materials
Ir. Noor Akhmad Setiawan, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., IPM.Teknik12Pattern recognition and data mining,
Neural, evolutionary and fuzzy computation,
Electrical and electronic engineering not elsewhere classified,
Biomedical engineering not elsewhere classified
Dr. Dyonisius Dony Ariananda, S.T., M.Sc.Teknik12Signal processing for communication,
Spectral analysis
Dr.-Ing. Ir. Teguh Ariyanto, ST, M.Eng., IPM, ASEAN Eng.Teknik12Catalytic process engineering,
Dr. Eng. Ir. Herianto, S.T., M.Eng., IPU., ASEAN Eng.Teknik12Product design and development,
Robotics and automation,
Manufacturing robotics and mechatronics (excl. automotive mechatronics),
Rehabilitation engineering,
Biomechanical engineering
Ir. Indra Perdana, S.T., MT., Ph.D.Teknik12Catalytic process engineering
Dr. Ir. Rudy Hartanto, M.T., IPM.Teknik12Multimedia programming,
Computer-human interaction,
Signal processing,
Computer graphics,
Computer vision,
Image processing,
Virtual reality and related simulation
Prof. Dr. Ria Millati, S.T., M.T.Teknologi Pertanian22Bioconversion waste utilization
Dr. Ir. Muhammad Nur Cahyanto, M.Sc.Teknologi Pertanian15Fermentation technology,
Waste utilization
Dr. Widiastuti Setyaningsih, S.T.P., M.Sc.Teknologi Pertanian14Chemistry and biochemistry of food
Rachma Wikandari, S.T.P., M.Biotech., Ph.D.Teknologi Pertanian14Biotechnology
Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Raharjo, M.Sc.Teknologi Pertanian14Food chemistry and food safety
Prof. Dr. Ir. Eni Harmayani, M.Sc.Teknologi Pertanian13Probiotics and prebiotics & food microbiology
Prof. Dr. Yudi Pranoto, S.T.P., M.P.Teknologi Pertanian13Food processing technology,
Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Sutriswati Rahayu, M.S.Teknologi Pertanian12Lactic acid bacteria,
Probiotics & biopreservatif,
Food mushrooms
Dr.Eng. Ganjar Alfian, S.T., M.Eng.Vokasi19Machine learning