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Publikasi UGM dengan sitasi terbanyak pada 17 subjek area SDGs di Scopus dalam 10 tahun terakhir per 14 September 2023 adalah sebagai berikut:
- No poverty, Factors Determining Social and Environmental Reporting by Indian Textile and Apparel Firms: A Test of Legitimacy Theory memperoleh 39 sitasi;
- Zero hunger, Regional Impact Assessment of Land use Scenarios in Developing Countries using the FoPIA Approach: Findings from Five Case Studies memperoleh 54 sitasi;
- Good health and well-being, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An overview of viral structure and host response memperoleh 637 sitasi;
- Quality education, Educational environment and approaches to learning of undergraduate nursing students in an Indonesian School of Nursing memperoleh 20 sitasi;
- Gender equality, ‘Elastic band strategy’: women’s lived experience of coping with domestic violence in rural Indonesia memperoleh 23 sitasi;
- Clean water and sanitation, Underreporting of high-risk water and sanitation practices undermines progress on global targets memperoleh 28 sitasi;
- Affordable and clean energy, Liquid hydrogen, methylcyclohexane, and ammonia as potential hydrogen storage: Comparison review memperoleh 236 sitasi;
- Decent work and economic growth, Role of research and development in green economic growth through renewable energy development: Empirical evidence from South Asia memperoleh 103 sitasi;
- Industry, innovation and infrastucture, Framing the sharing economy: A media analysis of ridesharing platforms in Indonesia and the Philippines memperoleh 38 sitasi;
- Reduced inequalities, Addressing the unequal geographic distribution of specialist doctors in Indonesia: The role of the private sector and effectiveness of current regulations memperoleh 58 sitasi;
- Sustainable cities and communities, Fuel Oil Production from Municipal Plastic Wastes in Sequential Pyrolysis and Catalytic Reforming Reactors memperoleh 249 sitasi;
- Responsible consumpsition and production, Improvement of Biogas Production from Orange Peel Waste by Leaching of Limonene memperoleh 116 sitasi;
- Climate action, The human cost of global warming: Deadly landslides and their triggers (1995–2014) memperoleh 197 sitasi;
- Life below water, Mangrove biomass carbon stock mapping of the Karimunjawa Islands using multispectral remote sensing memperoleh 67 sitasi;
- Life on land, Object-Based Approach for Multi-Scale Mangrove Composition Mapping Using Multi-Resolution Image Datasets memperoleh 135 sitasi;
- Peace, justice and strong institutions, A Multilab Preregistered Replication of the Ego-Depletion Effect memperoleh 611 sitasi;
- Partnership for the goals, Use of and barriers to access to opioid analgesics: a worldwide, regional, and national study memperoleh 383 sitasi.
Wakil Rektor Bidang Penelitian dan Pengajaran, Prof. Dr. Wening Udasmoro, S.S., M.Hum., DEA., dalam sambutannya pada acara ‘Workshop penulisan rilis publikasi berwawasan SDGs’ Selasa, 13 September 2023 bertempat di ruang sidang Sidomukti Wisma MM UGM, menyampaikan bahwa ‘sitasi itu penting’. Senada dengan Prof. Wening, Prof. Indra Wijaya Kusuma, MBA, Ph,D., yang menjabat sebagai Kepala Satuan Penjaminan Mutu dan Reputasi Universitas sebagai salah satu narasumber juga menyampaikan bahwa “Sitasi itu menjadi salah satu indikator dalam perankingan perguruan tinggi, dan sitasi itu adalah hal yang alamiah serta tidak dapat dilakukan intervensi,“ ujar Indra Wijaya Kusuma.
Dalam kesempatan lain, Direktur Penelitian, Prof Mirwan Ushada memberikan apresiasi yang tinggi kepada penulis yang artikelnya memperoleh sitasi tertinggi. Artikel tersebut berjudul Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An overview of viral structure and host response dengan capaian sebesar 637 sitasi. Artikel yang terbit di jurnal Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews ini ditulis oleh Dr. Med, dr. Indwiani Astuti dari Fakultas Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (FKKMK). “Selamat kepada Dr. Med, dr. Indwiani Astuti,“ tutur Prof. Mirwan.
Penulis: Kiki & Syahrul