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Event Category: Penulis
Workshop Systematic Review Klaster Agro 2024
Selasa, 3 September 2024

Latest update: 2 September 2024
Date 5 Sep 2024
Category Workshop
Language Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Musliichah.
Workshop Systematic Review Klaster Soshum 2024
Senin, 2 September 2024

Latest update: 2 September 2024
Date 3 Sep 2024
Category Workshop
Language Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Iwik.
Workshop Penulisan Buku Akademik 2024 Seri 2
Kamis, 8 Agustus 2024
Nature Masterclasses Live – Expert Trainer-led Workshop 2024
Senin, 5 Agustus 2024
To expand the global reach of Universitas Gadjah Mada scholars, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Springer Nature Research will hold a virtual workshop for selected graduate students, postgraduate students, and faculty members (lecturers or researchers) at Universitas Gadjah Mada with qualification in all fields.
The Nature Masterclasses Live - Expert Trainer-led Workshop is a three-day virtual workshop with 24 sections that divided into 6 consecutive webinar series, starting from 9 am to 3 pm.
9–11 am
Webinar 1: Effective academic writing
Importance of clear communication, logical flow & structure, improving readability, and writing strategies. |
1–3 pm
Webinar 2: Logical manuscript structure
Planning your manuscript, introduction, methods, results, and discussion. |
9–11 am
Webinar 3: Maximizing discoverability
Impactful titles, effective keywords, impressive abstracts, and improving visibility after publication. |
1–3 pm
Webinar 4: Successful Submission Strategies
Journal selection, journal evaluation, efficient submission strategies, and impactful cover letters. |
9–11 am
Webinar 5: Navigating editorial decisions and peer review
The peer review process, editorial decisions, navigating peer review, and final decisions. |
1–3 pm
Webinar 6: Understanding Publishing Ethics
Authorship, data manipulation, transparent reporting, and plagiarism. |
Latest update: 5 August 2024
Date 20–22 Aug 2024
Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event
Please be aware of any personal information you enter on the registration form, including your name and e-mail address, may be shared with Universitas Gadjah Mada. If you agree, please register for the webinar.
You need to log in to your UGM mail account to access the registration form.
Similar events
This event is similar with NRA 1, NRA 2, NRA 3, NRA 4, NRA 5, NRA 6, NRA 7, and NRA 8.
Materials and certificate
Materials and certificate are given to the participants who have been attended in the workshop. The materials can be downloaded during the workshop series via GoToWebinar.
Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Anna Khoirunnisa.
About the trainer

Dr Maybelline Yeo is Editorial Development Advisor at Nature Portfolio and is a Trainer for the Expert Trainer-led Nature Masterclasses – training workshops to improve publication output worldwide. She has more than 10 years of scientific research experience and has numerous academic publications, grants and awards. She also has a strong science communication background and has collaborated with various researchers, universities, NGOs/NPOs, governments, schools, educators, and the general public.
We encourage the listed participants to check their registered e-mail and read the frequently asked questions before joining the workshop.
No. | Name | Affiliation |
1 | Abdul Mukhlis Ritonga | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
2 | Andra Tersiana | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
3 | Andriati Ningrum | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
4 | Aristya Ardhitama | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
5 | Asadin Briliantama | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
6 | Eva Mayasari | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
7 | Lucia Dhiantika Witasari | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
8 | Megita Ryanjani Tanuputri | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
9 | Mikchaell Alfanov Pardamean Panjaitan | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
10 | Mirwan Ushada | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
11 | Novita Kristanti | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
12 | Pipin Kusumawati | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
13 | Riana Listanti | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
14 | Slamet Sulistiadi | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
15 | Wahidah Mahanani Rahayu | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
16 | Yeyen Prestyaning Wanita | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
17 | Christina Wahyu Ary Dewi | Faculty of Agriculture |
18 | Daffa Sandi Lasitya | Faculty of Agriculture |
19 | Esti Harpeni | Faculty of Agriculture |
20 | Evi Setyo Darmawati | Faculty of Agriculture |
21 | Indah Istiqomah | Faculty of Agriculture |
22 | Intan Gilang Cempaka | Faculty of Agriculture |
23 | Mirawanty Amin | Faculty of Agriculture |
24 | Mukhlis Ibrahim | Faculty of Agriculture |
25 | Nia Herlina | Faculty of Agriculture |
26 | Noldy R.E. Kotta | Faculty of Agriculture |
27 | Putri Laeshita | Faculty of Agriculture |
28 | Rianida Taisa | Faculty of Agriculture |
29 | Tri Hanifawati | Faculty of Agriculture |
30 | Zainuri Hanif | Faculty of Agriculture |
31 | Christina Admantin | Faculty of Animal Science |
32 | Dita Prameswari Trenggono Putri | Faculty of Animal Science |
33 | Galuh Adi Insani | Faculty of Animal Science |
34 | Heru Ponco Wardono | Faculty of Animal Science |
35 | Muhlisin | Faculty of Animal Science |
36 | Nur Hidayah | Faculty of Animal Science |
37 | Pita Sudrajad | Faculty of Animal Science |
38 | Widitya Tri Nugraha | Faculty of Animal Science |
39 | Fajar Sofyantoro | Faculty of Biology |
40 | Hana Widiawati | Faculty of Biology |
41 | Jantje Wiliem Souhaly | Faculty of Biology |
42 | Khusnul Qonita Maghfiroh | Faculty of Biology |
43 | Noor Nailis Sa'adah | Faculty of Biology |
44 | Putri Nur Aida | Faculty of Biology |
45 | Selvi Ariyunita | Faculty of Biology |
46 | Vita Meylani | Faculty of Biology |
47 | Wahyu Muzammil | Faculty of Biology |
48 | A. Syihabuddin Aniq Jimly | Faculty of Cultural Science |
49 | Eliesa Ratih Anggraeni | Faculty of Cultural Science |
50 | Emi Nursanti | Faculty of Cultural Science |
51 | Joko Santoso | Faculty of Cultural Science |
52 | Lia Amrina | Faculty of Cultural Science |
53 | M. Afifulloh | Faculty of Cultural Science |
54 | Sahruman Sahruman | Faculty of Cultural Science |
55 | Sofyan Reza Yahya | Faculty of Cultural Science |
56 | Syukrina Rahmawati | Faculty of Cultural Science |
57 | Wariyatun Wariyatun | Faculty of Cultural Science |
58 | Yeni Wulandari | Faculty of Cultural Science |
59 | Yustri Prastiyono | Faculty of Cultural Science |
60 | Andina Widyastuti | Faculty of Dentistry |
61 | Diatri Nari Ratih | Faculty of Dentistry |
62 | Freisiane Sadono | Faculty of Dentistry |
63 | Lastry Ruth Maya TM Padang | Faculty of Dentistry |
64 | Muhammad Hidayat Syahruddin | Faculty of Dentistry |
65 | Putri Raisah | Faculty of Dentistry |
66 | Rr. Paramita Noviasari | Faculty of Dentistry |
67 | Ahmad Fauzan Fathoni | Faculty of Economics and Business |
68 | Apia Agustin | Faculty of Economics and Business |
69 | Barlian Cendana Sari | Faculty of Economics and Business |
70 | Dedy Mainata | Faculty of Economics and Business |
71 | Dhiona Ayu Nani | Faculty of Economics and Business |
72 | Emmelia Tan | Faculty of Economics and Business |
73 | Isro'iyatul Mubarokah | Faculty of Economics and Business |
74 | Kar Woh Chong | Faculty of Economics and Business |
75 | Megawati Syahril | Faculty of Economics and Business |
76 | Muhammad Bagas Ernanda Setiawan | Faculty of Economics and Business |
77 | Muhammad Fajri | Faculty of Economics and Business |
78 | Rizka Pratiwi | Faculty of Economics and Business |
79 | Ade Handayani | Faculty of Engineering |
80 | Adinandra Caesar Fachrudin | Faculty of Engineering |
81 | Ahmad Nasikun | Faculty of Engineering |
82 | Alfian Saleh | Faculty of Engineering |
83 | Anggi Rahmawati | Faculty of Engineering |
84 | Ardi Jati Nugroho Putro | Faculty of Engineering |
85 | Aris Setiawan | Faculty of Engineering |
86 | Budi Arifvianto | Faculty of Engineering |
87 | Dedy Anwar | Faculty of Engineering |
88 | Dedy Firmansyah | Faculty of Engineering |
89 | Desi D. Simamora | Faculty of Engineering |
90 | Diah Mahmuda | Faculty of Engineering |
91 | Dinny Harnany | Faculty of Engineering |
92 | Dyah Ayu Larasati | Faculty of Engineering |
93 | Eko Budiyanto | Faculty of Engineering |
94 | Eko Wahyudi | Faculty of Engineering |
95 | Hendry Yuli Wibowo | Faculty of Engineering |
96 | I Gede Fajar Dwi Kurnia | Faculty of Engineering |
97 | Ifa aulia Chusna | Faculty of Engineering |
98 | Lizda Iswari | Faculty of Engineering |
99 | Mutiawati Mandaka | Faculty of Engineering |
100 | Nafiun Ardi Tanto | Faculty of Engineering |
101 | Nur Zahrati Janah Janah | Faculty of Engineering |
102 | Opan Ropandi | Faculty of Engineering |
103 | Rahmat Riza | Faculty of Engineering |
104 | Rai Pramesti Suteja | Faculty of Engineering |
105 | Randy Ardianto | Faculty of Engineering |
106 | Ridwan Akbar | Faculty of Engineering |
107 | Rispianda Rispianda | Faculty of Engineering |
108 | Salasi Wasis Widyanto | Faculty of Engineering |
109 | Sunu Ardhi Nugroho | Faculty of Engineering |
110 | Aris Sudomo | Faculty of Forestry |
111 | Arniawati Arniawati | Faculty of Forestry |
112 | Devi Manuhua | Faculty of Forestry |
113 | Diyanti Isnani Siregar | Faculty of Forestry |
114 | Faradila Mei Jayani | Faculty of Forestry |
115 | Frita Wardhani | Faculty of Forestry |
116 | Kamran Khan | Faculty of Forestry |
117 | Mochamat Wibisono | Faculty of Forestry |
118 | Nirmala Aryanti | Faculty of Forestry |
119 | Ria Rosdiana Hutagaol | Faculty of Forestry |
120 | Ridla Arifriana | Faculty of Forestry |
121 | Shafridito Arkan Niskala | Faculty of Forestry |
122 | Sigit Normagiat | Faculty of Forestry |
123 | Sri Muryati | Faculty of Forestry |
124 | Tri Wira Yuwati | Faculty of Forestry |
125 | Andrew Mulabbi | Faculty of Geography |
126 | Ari Cahyono | Faculty of Geography |
127 | Arif Ismail | Faculty of Geography |
128 | Atfi Indriany Putri | Faculty of Geography |
129 | Lestari Naomi Lydia Br Pandiangan | Faculty of Geography |
130 | Ratih Fitria Putri | Faculty of Geography |
131 | Satria Yudha Adhitama | Faculty of Geography |
132 | Gilang Puji Andyansyah | Faculty of Law |
133 | Widyani Putri | Faculty of Law |
134 | Anisa Ramadhani | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
135 | Ayu Pertiwi | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
136 | Evita Purnaningrum | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
137 | Fachrizal Rian Pratama | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
138 | Fikhri Tasmara | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
139 | Ketut Bayu Yogha Bintoro | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
140 | Liza Afriyanti | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
141 | Maura Widyaningsih | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
142 | Muhammad Nurul Huda | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
143 | Muhammad Zidny Nafan | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
144 | Novita Rosyida | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
145 | Petra Febrianto | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
146 | Yehezkiel Steven Kurniawan | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
147 | Zhafaat Rahimi Zainal | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
148 | Zora Rispa Kase | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
149 | Ana Ratnawati | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
150 | Bella Mardya | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
151 | Dessy Rindiyanti Harista | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
152 | Dewi Umu Kulsum | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
153 | Dwi Budiningsari | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
154 | Elya Manik | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
155 | Endang Puji Astuti | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
156 | Eryna Ayu Nugra Desita | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
157 | Hafidh Abimanyu Hidayat | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
158 | Krisna Lumban Gaol | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
159 | Lasiah Susanti | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
160 | Muhammad Taufan Umasugi | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
161 | Rafidah Fawwazia Hidayat | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
162 | Rahajeng Win Martani | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
163 | Rambu Triandhini | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
164 | Raodatul Jannah | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
165 | Renova Astriani Hutapea | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
166 | Sinar Pertiwi | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
167 | Siswadi Hutomo | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
168 | Sri Mumpuni Yuniarsih | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
169 | Tri Ratnaningsih | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
170 | Zulia Putri Perdani | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
171 | Andy Eko Wibowo | Faculty of Pharmacy |
172 | Arief Rahman Hakim | Faculty of Pharmacy |
173 | Desy Ayu Irma Permatasari | Faculty of Pharmacy |
174 | Erika Indah Safitri | Faculty of Pharmacy |
175 | I Made Bayu Kresna Yoga | Faculty of Pharmacy |
176 | Ika Buana Januarti | Faculty of Pharmacy |
177 | Indah Sulistyarini | Faculty of Pharmacy |
178 | Irmasari Irmasari | Faculty of Pharmacy |
179 | Juliyanty Akuba | Faculty of Pharmacy |
180 | Lathifa Nabila | Faculty of Pharmacy |
181 | Lia Puspitasari | Faculty of Pharmacy |
182 | Lukman Mahdi | Faculty of Pharmacy |
183 | Mayada Rakhmima Karizki | Faculty of Pharmacy |
184 | Metha Anung Anindhita | Faculty of Pharmacy |
185 | Munifah Wahyuddin | Faculty of Pharmacy |
186 | Nazir Ahmad | Faculty of Pharmacy |
187 | Nisa Febrinasari | Faculty of Pharmacy |
188 | Noor Cahaya | Faculty of Pharmacy |
189 | Nur Ismiyati | Faculty of Pharmacy |
190 | Nurlely Nurlely | Faculty of Pharmacy |
191 | Pratiwi Apridamayanti | Faculty of Pharmacy |
192 | Prima Happy Ratnapuri | Faculty of Pharmacy |
193 | Risman Tunny | Faculty of Pharmacy |
194 | Sundas Ejaz | Faculty of Pharmacy |
195 | Taufiqurohman Taufiqurohman | Faculty of Pharmacy |
196 | Tri fitri Yana Utami | Faculty of Pharmacy |
197 | Tri Yulianti | Faculty of Pharmacy |
198 | Ulfa Filliana | Faculty of Pharmacy |
199 | A. Batara Gemilang | Faculty of Philosophy |
200 | Abdul Rokhmat Sairah | Faculty of Philosophy |
201 | Ahmad Rama Dony | Faculty of Philosophy |
202 | Dela Khoirul Ainia | Faculty of Philosophy |
203 | Septiana Dwiputri Maharani | Faculty of Philosophy |
204 | Alfi Syukrina Hadi | Faculty of Psychology |
205 | Antonius Nandiwardana | Faculty of Psychology |
206 | Melisa Melisa | Faculty of Psychology |
207 | Radhiatul Fitri | Faculty of Psychology |
208 | Siti Makhmudah | Faculty of Psychology |
209 | Wresti Wrediningsih | Faculty of Psychology |
210 | Zaldhi Yusuf Akbar | Faculty of Psychology |
211 | Abdul Gaffar | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
212 | Andrea Magnolia | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
213 | Apriadi Apriadi | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
214 | Bonar Situmorang | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
215 | Eko Bagus Sholihin | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
216 | Indri Islamiati | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
217 | Namira Risqi Putri Muquita | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
218 | Pitaloka Ainun Yasmin | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
219 | Ririn Tri Nurhayati | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
220 | Samodra Wibawa | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
221 | Agustina Wijayanti | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
222 | Ida Fitriana | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
223 | Roza Azizah Primatika | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
224 | Sarmin | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
225 | Vika Ichsania Ninditya | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
226 | Algonz Dimas B. Raharja | Graduate School |
227 | Anwar Rovik | Graduate School |
228 | Artha Debora | Graduate School |
229 | Beta Romadiyanti | Graduate School |
230 | Deddy Sutono | Graduate School |
231 | Fiqih Afriadi | Graduate School |
232 | Fitra Tunnisa | Graduate School |
233 | Fondina Gusriza | Graduate School |
234 | Hafni Juniarti | Graduate School |
235 | Hendra Nasution | Graduate School |
236 | Hikmawaty Hikmawaty | Graduate School |
237 | Ikhlasul Akmal Aulawi | Graduate School |
238 | Ismail Ismail | Graduate School |
239 | Jamalludin | Graduate School |
240 | Jamaluddin | Graduate School |
241 | Neni Hardiati | Graduate School |
242 | Nurul Fitri Hapsari | Graduate School |
243 | Putu Cri Devischa Gallantiswara | Graduate School |
244 | Rian Prima Hardiyanto | Graduate School |
245 | Rima Kusuma | Graduate School |
246 | Rini Eka Sari | Graduate School |
247 | Silsila Asri | Graduate School |
248 | Siti Munfiah | Graduate School |
249 | Titi Fitrianita | Graduate School |
250 | Zielhapes Fuady | Graduate School |
251 | Made Satya Nugraha Gautama | Others |
252 | Mamik Tri Wedawati | Others |
253 | Ridhwan Tumoro | Others |
254 | Yeny Fitriyani | Others |
255 | Benidiktus Tulung Prayoga | Vocational School |
256 | Emilia Karuniawati | Vocational School |
257 | Ghifari Yuristiadhi Masyhari Makhasi | Vocational School |
258 | Hesti Purwaningrum | Vocational School |
259 | Marko Ferdian Salim | Vocational School |
260 | Muhammad Iqbal Taftazani | Vocational School |
261 | Warsini Handayani | Vocational School |
Workshop Penulisan Buku Akademik 2024
Sabtu, 4 Mei 2024
Workshop Penulisan Novel Tahun 2024
Senin, 25 Maret 2024

Latest update: 24 March 2024
3 Apr 2024 from 08:30 - 11:30 (GMT +7)
Category Workshop
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga Kependidikan UGM, Mahasiswa UGM
Location Zoom Meeting
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sri Wijayanti.

Ramayda Akmal, S.S., M.A., Ph.D.
Novelis, Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM

Dr. Arifah Arum Candra H., M.A.
Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM
Workshop Penulisan Catatan Perjalanan Tahun 2024
Senin, 25 Maret 2024

Latest update: 24 March 2024
1 Apr 2024 from 12:30 - 15:00 (GMT +7)
Category Workshop
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga Kependidikan UGM, Mahasiswa UGM
Location Zoom Meeting
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sri Wijayanti.

Dr. Cahyaningrum Dewodjati, M.Hum.
Penulis Sastra, Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM

Alvanita, S.S., M.Ed.
Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM
Workshop Penulisan Karya Sastra Tahun 2024
Kamis, 14 Maret 2024
Dalam dunia penerbitan akademis saat ini, mempromosikan penelitian sama pentingnya dengan mempublikasikannya di jurnal ternama. Peningkatan jumlah sitasi tentunya mempunyai dampak positif terhadap karir peneliti karena universitas dan lembaga pendanaan sering kali memperhitungkan jumlah publikasi dan jumlah sitasi secara bersamaan, ketika mengambil keputusan tenor dan hibah. Penting juga bagi editor untuk meningkatkan kutipan artikel yang diterbitkan di jurnal mereka untuk memaksimalkan jangkauan jurnal mereka.
Selain itu, penolakan naskah adalah hal biasa dan bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan termasuk topik penelitian yang tidak penting, hipotesis yang lemah, metodologi yang buruk, dan kesalahan penelitian. Peneliti harus tetap tenang dan tidak berkecil hati jika ada penolakan. Sebaliknya, mereka harus menganggapnya sebagai kesempatan belajar dan berupaya memperbaiki kesalahan mereka. Peneliti perlu memiliki pendekatan positif terhadap penolakan seperti memilih cara untuk memperbaiki naskah berdasarkan komentar pengulas dan jalur alternatif menuju publikasi.
Latest update: 14 March 2024
18 Mar 2024 from 08:30 - 11:30 (GMT +7)
Category Workshop
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga Kependidikan UGM, Mahasiswa UGM
Location Hybrid with Zoom Meeting from Ruang Multimedia II Kantor Pusat Universitas Gadjah Mada, Lantai 3 Sayap Selatan
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sri Wijayanti.

Benny Arnas
Penulis Sastra, Direktur Benny Institute
Benny adalah penulis 31 buku lintas-genre. Hingga hari ini masih produktif menulis cerpen, esai, catatan perjalanan, kajian kebudayaan, dan puisi. Semua tulisannya yang terbit di berbagai media ia rumahkan di www.bennyarbas.com. Sejak 2020, ia mengembangkan Story by 5, formula menulis naratif yang ia klaim cepat, bernas, dan terukur. Kini ia berkhidmat di Benny Institute, komunitas literasi dengan menyelenggarakan kelas menulis, kajian budaya, aksara kuno, film pendek, fotografi, dan seni peran; festival menulis dan film, dan klab buku. Lebih dekat dengannya di Instagram @bennyarnas dan @story.by5.

Ramayda Akmal
Novelis, Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM
Ramayda menyelesaikan S1 dan S2 di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM, dan menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya di Universität Hamburg pada 2022. Ramayda adalah staf pengajar di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM. Karya-karyanya antara lain, novel Jatisaba (Pemenang unggulan Sayembara Menulis Novel DKJ 2010), antologi cerpen Lengkingan Viola Desingan Peluru (Buku Sastra Terbaik pilihan Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta 2013), novel Tango&Sadimin (Runner up Unnes International Novel Writing Contest 2017), dan yang terbaru, antologi cerpen Aliansi Monyet Putih (2022). Ramayda juga menulis esai dan opini di beberapa surat kabar nasional seperti Kompas, Tempo, Jawa Pos, dan detik.com, dan terlibat secara reguler dalam kerja-kerja kuratorial sastra di level nasional dan internasional.
Selain fiksi, Ramayda menulis kritik sastra yang telah diterbitkan antara lain Pahlawan dan Pecundang, Militer dalam Novel-Novel Indonesia (Gamapress, 2014 bersama Aprinus Salam), Melawan Takdir, Subjektivitas Pramoedya Ananta Toer dalam Novel Perburuan (Gamapress, 2015), Selintas Naratologi Sastra dan Film Indonesia (sebagai editor, Gambang, 2023). Di tahun ini, akan segera terbit buku teori yang ditulisnya bersama Faruk, berjudul Naratologi: Teori dan Aplikasi (KPG, 2024).

Asef Saeful Anwar
Penulis Sastra, Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM
Asef adalah seorang staf pengajar di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM. Penulis buku Persada Studi Klub dalam Arena Sastra Indonesia (UGM Press, 2015) dan novel Alkudus (Basabasi, 2017) ini pernah meraih penghargaan Tama Prayojana 2018 dari Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta. Ia juga menulis album puisi Searah Jalan Pulang (Kibul, 2018) dan kumcer Betapa Kita Masih Belum Beranjak dari Pertanyaan tentang Cinta (Shira Media, 2019). Sejumlah esai dan cerpennya kadang dimuat di media massa, baik cetak maupun daring.
A Masterclass on Boosting Citations and Overcoming Journal Rejections 2024
Selasa, 13 Februari 2024
Dalam dunia penerbitan akademis saat ini, mempromosikan penelitian sama pentingnya dengan mempublikasikannya di jurnal ternama. Peningkatan jumlah sitasi tentunya mempunyai dampak positif terhadap karir peneliti karena universitas dan lembaga pendanaan sering kali memperhitungkan jumlah publikasi dan jumlah sitasi secara bersamaan, ketika mengambil keputusan tenor dan hibah. Penting juga bagi editor untuk meningkatkan kutipan artikel yang diterbitkan di jurnal mereka untuk memaksimalkan jangkauan jurnal mereka.
Selain itu, penolakan naskah adalah hal biasa dan bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan termasuk topik penelitian yang tidak penting, hipotesis yang lemah, metodologi yang buruk, dan kesalahan penelitian. Peneliti harus tetap tenang dan tidak berkecil hati jika ada penolakan. Sebaliknya, mereka harus menganggapnya sebagai kesempatan belajar dan berupaya memperbaiki kesalahan mereka. Peneliti perlu memiliki pendekatan positif terhadap penolakan seperti memilih cara untuk memperbaiki naskah berdasarkan komentar pengulas dan jalur alternatif menuju publikasi.
Latest update: 26 February 2024
27 Feb 2024 from 09:30 - 14:30 (GMT +7)
Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Peneliti UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Hybrid with Zoom Meeting from Ballroom Teaching Industry Learning Center (TILC) Sekolah Vokasi, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Rafieiy.

Dr. Krishna Kumar Venkitachalam
Innovation Officer at Enago
Dr. Krishna adalah seorang ahli bedah ortopedi yang memiliki kualifikasi dengan pengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun dalam penerbitan akademis di bawah berbagai peran, termasuk penyuntingan naskah, penulisan naskah, pelatihan penyunting, pendidikan penulis, solusi teknologi bahasa, dan inovasi. Sebagai seorang penyunting/penulis, beliau telah membantu ratusan penulis/peneliti untuk menerbitkan penelitian mereka di jurnal-jurnal terkemuka di seluruh dunia. Dengan kecintaannya terhadap komunikasi ilmiah dan pengajaran, beliau telah menyelenggarakan beberapa program pelatihan interaktif dan workshop penulis. Ini termasuk workshop keliling di India dan internasional serta online workshop bekerja sama dengan universitas dan penerbit. Dengan latar belakangnya di dunia akademis, pengalaman dalam komunikasi ilmiah, dan ketertarikannya pada solusi teknologi, beliau berperan sebagai konsultan dalam integrasi teknologi baru ke platform penerbitan dan merancang solusi publikasi yang disesuaikan untuk lembaga dan penerbit.