Waktu | : | Senin, 14 Agustus 2023 - Rabu, 16 Agustus 2023 |
To expand the global reach of Universitas Gadjah Mada scholars, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Springer Nature Research will hold a virtual workshop for selected graduate students, postgraduate students, and faculty members (lecturers or researchers) at Universitas Gadjah Mada with qualification in all fields.
The Nature Masterclasses Live - Expert Trainer-led Workshop is a three-day virtual workshop with 24 sections that divided into 6 consecutive webinar series, starting from 9 am to 4 pm.
9–11 am
Webinar 1: Effective academic writing
Importance of clear communication, logical flow & structure, improving readability, and writing strategies. |
2–4 pm
Webinar 2: Logical manuscript structure
Planning your manuscript, introduction, methods, results, and discussion. |
9–11 am
Webinar 3: Maximizing discoverability
Impactful titles, effective keywords, impressive abstracts, and improving visibility after publication. |
2–4 pm
Webinar 4: Successful Submission Strategies
Journal selection, journal evaluation, efficient submission strategies, and impactful cover letters. |
9–11 am
Webinar 5: Navigating editorial decisions and peer review
The peer review process, editorial decisions, navigating peer review, and final decisions. |
2–4 pm
Webinar 6: Publishing ethics
Authorship, data manipulation, transparent reporting, and plagiarism. |
Latest update: 14 August 2023
Date 14–16 Aug 2023
Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event
You need to log in to your UGM mail account to access the registration form.
Similar events
This event is similar with NRA 1, NRA 2, NRA 3, NRA 4, NRA 5, NRA 6, NRA 7, and NRA 8.
Materials and certificate
Materials and certificate are given to the participants who have been attended in the workshop. The materials can be downloaded during the workshop series via GoToWebinar. In August 30, the certificate will be sent by Springer Nature to your email.
Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Rafieiy.
About the trainer
Dr. Jeffrey Robens has strong scientific qualifications with 20 years of academic experience and numerous publications and awards. He received his PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, and has worked at various institutes and universities in Singapore and Japan, including RIKEN and Kyoto University. In his current role as Editorial Development Manager at Nature Research, Dr. Robens gives educational seminars worldwide for authors to improve their manuscript quality and maximize their global impact. Using his extensive research and publication background, Dr. Robens is particularly able to assist non-native English-speaking researchers increase their chances of publication success.
Dr Maybelline Yeo is Editorial Development Advisor at Nature Portfolio and is a Trainer for the Expert Trainer-led Nature Masterclasses – training workshops to improve publication output worldwide. She has more than 10 years of scientific research experience and has numerous academic publications, grants and awards. She also has a strong science communication background and has collaborated with various researchers, universities, NGOs/NPOs, governments, schools, educators, and the general public.
We encourage the listed participants to check their registered e-mail and read the frequently asked questions before joining the workshop.
No. | Name | Affiliation |
1 | Diah Ajeng Setiawati | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
2 | Guyup Mahardhian Dwi Putra | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
3 | Lely Fitriana | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
4 | Mirwan Ushada | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
5 | Rudiati Evi Masithoh | Faculty of Agricultural Technology |
6 | Alif Haidir Adana | Faculty of Agriculture |
7 | Dany Juhandi | Faculty of Agriculture |
8 | Galuh Hangganingraras Eko Akoso | Faculty of Agriculture |
9 | Imam Suhadi | Faculty of Agriculture |
10 | Muh Sabir Laba | Faculty of Agriculture |
11 | Ratna Rubiana | Faculty of Agriculture |
12 | Mustofa Hilmi | Faculty of Animal Science |
13 | Rahmawati | Faculty of Animal Science |
14 | Hana Widiawati | Faculty of Biology |
15 | Utaminingsih | Faculty of Biology |
16 | Ahmad Zamzuri | Faculty of Cultural Science |
17 | Arif Fadillah | Faculty of Cultural Science |
18 | Arina Haque | Faculty of Cultural Science |
19 | Bambang Purwanto | Faculty of Cultural Science |
20 | Emi Nursanti | Faculty of Cultural Science |
21 | Festi Himatu Karima | Faculty of Cultural Science |
22 | Parwati Hadi Noorsanti | Faculty of Cultural Science |
23 | Rahmi Rahmayati | Faculty of Cultural Science |
24 | Ria Yuliati | Faculty of Cultural Science |
25 | Sahruman | Faculty of Cultural Science |
26 | Wariyatun | Faculty of Cultural Science |
27 | Diatri Nari Ratih | Faculty of Dentistry |
28 | I Wayan Gita Pratama | Faculty of Dentistry |
29 | Khoirunnisa Ilham | Faculty of Dentistry |
30 | Nadia Putri Palupi | Faculty of Dentistry |
31 | Ade Hari Wijayanto | Faculty of Economics and Business |
32 | Ahmad Fauzan Fathoni | Faculty of Economics and Business |
33 | Amin Ilyas | Faculty of Economics and Business |
34 | Andreas Vernando | Faculty of Economics and Business |
35 | Anita Mustikasari | Faculty of Economics and Business |
36 | Dita Sari Lutfiani | Faculty of Economics and Business |
37 | Evy Rahman Utami | Faculty of Economics and Business |
38 | Hafizh Fitrianna | Faculty of Economics and Business |
39 | Lutfah Ariana | Faculty of Economics and Business |
40 | Muhammad Rafieiy | Faculty of Economics and Business |
41 | Titik Setyaningsih | Faculty of Economics and Business |
42 | Valentino Risali | Faculty of Economics and Business |
43 | Agus Arif | Faculty of Engineering |
44 | Akhmad Afandi | Faculty of Engineering |
45 | Bagus Surya Ananta | Faculty of Engineering |
46 | Berliana Kusuma Riasti | Faculty of Engineering |
47 | Budi Susanto | Faculty of Engineering |
48 | Chico Hermanu Brillianto Apribowo | Faculty of Engineering |
49 | Christian Wely Wullur | Faculty of Engineering |
50 | Condro Kartiko | Faculty of Engineering |
51 | Didit Setyo Pamuji | Faculty of Engineering |
52 | Eko Budiyanto | Faculty of Engineering |
53 | Elias Kondorura Bawan | Faculty of Engineering |
54 | Fatma Roshanti | Faculty of Engineering |
55 | Hafzatin Nurlatifa | Faculty of Engineering |
56 | Haris Ardianto | Faculty of Engineering |
57 | Ida Giyanti | Faculty of Engineering |
58 | Kurniawanti | Faculty of Engineering |
59 | Luluk Fitri Yani | Faculty of Engineering |
60 | Mirnayani | Faculty of Engineering |
61 | Muammar Zainuddin | Faculty of Engineering |
62 | Muhammad Sadat Hamzah | Faculty of Engineering |
63 | Nur Wijayaning R. | Faculty of Engineering |
64 | Oki Anita Candra Dewi | Faculty of Engineering |
65 | Pujono | Faculty of Engineering |
66 | Rapiah Sarfa Marasabessy | Faculty of Engineering |
67 | Rika Favoria Gusa | Faculty of Engineering |
68 | Rindang Persada | Faculty of Engineering |
69 | Romi Sukmawan | Faculty of Engineering |
70 | Saucha Diwandari | Faculty of Engineering |
71 | Septian Jamaludin Zakky | Faculty of Engineering |
72 | Silvester Tena | Faculty of Engineering |
73 | Siti Afiani Musyarofah | Faculty of Engineering |
74 | Sukmaji Indro Cahyono | Faculty of Engineering |
75 | Tito Shantika | Faculty of Engineering |
76 | Untung Surya Dharma | Faculty of Engineering |
77 | Wahri Sunanda | Faculty of Engineering |
78 | Evita Hanie Pangaribowo | Faculty of Geography |
79 | Ratih Fitria Putri | Faculty of Geography |
80 | Edi Muhtar | Faculty of Law |
81 | Fitriah Ismail | Faculty of Law |
82 | Heistiria Fertiwi | Faculty of Law |
83 | Okta Nadiapuspa Sumbogo | Faculty of Law |
84 | Ahmad Riyadi | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
85 | Ananta Kusuma Yoga Pratama | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
86 | Anik Andriani | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
87 | Anissa Fitria | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
88 | Ari Fadli | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
89 | Arief Kelik Nugroho | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
90 | Ayu Pertiwi | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
91 | Cisde Mulyadi | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
92 | Edi Faizal | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
93 | Ednawati Rainarli | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
94 | Eduwin Saputra | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
95 | Eka Pratista | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
96 | Fajri Khatami | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
97 | Freska Rolansa | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
98 | Hanif Rahmat | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
99 | Harnan Malik Abdullah | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
100 | Indah Purwitasari Ihsan | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
101 | Ketut Bayu Yogha Bintoro | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
102 | Khodijah Amiroh | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
103 | M. Mustakim | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
104 | Mardhiya Hayaty | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
105 | Meilany Nonsi Tentua | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
106 | Muhammad Fachrie | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
107 | Muhammad Idham Ananta Timur | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
108 | Muhammad Zidny Nafan | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
109 | Nadhifa Sofia | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
110 | Nur Rahmad Yusuf | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
111 | Priska Sari Dewi | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
112 | Risa Farrid Christianti | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
113 | Rohmat Indra Borman | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
114 | Sherly Christina | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
115 | Sulthan Waliid Anggara Wisesa | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
116 | Susi Eva Maria Purba | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
117 | Syahriani | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
118 | Teotino Gomes Soares | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
119 | Uvi Dwian Kencono | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
120 | Wahyuni Eka Nanda | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
121 | Yehezkiel Steven Kurniawan | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
122 | Yohana Kristafani Nubatonis | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences |
123 | Adityo Putro Sejati | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
124 | Ainun Nisa | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
125 | Erlena | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
126 | Ernawati | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
127 | Fajri Marindra | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
128 | Imelda | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
129 | Imelda Ritunga | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
130 | Lely Firrahmawati | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
131 | Lisa Prihastari | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
132 | Lukman Aziz | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
133 | Peni Kusumasari | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
134 | Rohmah Mufidah Ramadhani | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
135 | Sri Ramdaniati | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
136 | Zahratul Aini | Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing |
137 | Cintya Nurul Apsari | Faculty of Pharmacy |
138 | Dwi Koko Pratoko | Faculty of Pharmacy |
139 | Fathul Muin | Faculty of Pharmacy |
140 | Fivy Kurniawati | Faculty of Pharmacy |
141 | Hanina Zharfani | Faculty of Pharmacy |
142 | Happy Elda Murdiana | Faculty of Pharmacy |
143 | Iin Ernawati | Faculty of Pharmacy |
144 | Lukman Mahdi | Faculty of Pharmacy |
145 | Maria Agnes Etty Dedy | Faculty of Pharmacy |
146 | Mirhansyah Ardana | Faculty of Pharmacy |
147 | Muvita Rina Wati | Faculty of Pharmacy |
148 | Navista Sri Octa Ujiantari | Faculty of Pharmacy |
149 | Niken Nur Widyakusuma | Faculty of Pharmacy |
150 | Nurlely | Faculty of Pharmacy |
151 | Nurul Hidayah | Faculty of Pharmacy |
152 | Rizka Prita Yuliani | Faculty of Pharmacy |
153 | Sekar Ayu Pawestri | Faculty of Pharmacy |
154 | Soni Siswanto | Faculty of Pharmacy |
155 | Woro Harjaningsih | Faculty of Pharmacy |
156 | Yuvianti Dwi Franyoto | Faculty of Pharmacy |
157 | Imam Wahyuddin | Faculty of Philosophy |
158 | Ajeng Putri Pertiwi | Faculty of Psychology |
159 | Alfian Nurdiansyah | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
160 | Amanda Elista | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
161 | Andi Adnan | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
162 | Ardanie Rifda Azhaar | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
163 | Defy Rizky Ramadhany | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
164 | Dian Silviani | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
165 | Dimas Hermawan Novi Adhi | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
166 | Eriandy Bangun | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
167 | Evi Sukmayeti | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
168 | Galang Sandy Akbar | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
169 | Hilman Fauzi | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
170 | Indri Islamiati | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
171 | Luluk Karlina | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
172 | Lusia Lilis Setianingtyas | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
173 | Marzuki | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
174 | Okky Nugroho | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
175 | Rahmad Indrawan Manopo | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
176 | Rana Qonita Rofila | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
177 | Rayson Virtuosi | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
178 | Ririn Tri Nurhayati | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
179 | Silvia Cristine Hasianta Manurung | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
180 | Titi Susanti | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
181 | Yudie Aprianto | Faculty of Social Science and Political Science |
182 | Anggi Muhtar Pratama | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
183 | Ani Setianingrum | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
184 | Wa Ode Santa Monica | Faculty of Veterinary Medicine |
185 | Duma Hardiana Manurung | Graduate School |
186 | Ikhwan Amri | Graduate School |
187 | Ina Veronika Ginting | Graduate School |
188 | Moch. Zainul Arifin | Graduate School |
189 | Rinto Fernando Simorangkir | Graduate School |
190 | Yudo Hartono | Graduate School |
191 | Probo Bhaskoro | Others |
192 | Rhamadinna Fatimah | Others |
193 | Dhoni Wicaksono | Vocational School |
194 | Galuh Bahari | Vocational School |
195 | Jimmy Trio Putra | Vocational School |
196 | Stephanus Danny Kurniawan | Vocational School |