Pendaftaran untuk 7th Joint Call for Proposals: Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (JFS) telah resmi dibuka.
Deadline: October 15th 2021, 12:00 pm CEST (noon)/05:00pm Bangkok/Jakarta time.
Thematic Areas:
- Sustainable Food Production including nanotechnologies supporting sustainable food production
- Climate Change: Resilience and Adaptation including social science and health aspects
Unggah proposal secara daring melalui tautan
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Narahubung Sekretariat Southeast Asia-Europe Joint Funding Scheme for Research and Innovation (JFS):
1. Mrs. Dr. Finarya Legoh
Senior Programme Officer Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI)
+62 85211342556/
2. Ms. Patchara Umprasert
Junior Programme Officer National Science & Technology Agency (NSTDA)
+66 2-564-7000 EXT. 71488/
Narahubung BRIN
1. Adhi Indra Hermanu
+62 878-8444-3873/
2. Anggun Amalia Fibriyanti
+62 857-8588-7275/
Terima Kasih
Direktorat Penelitian
Universitas Gadjah Mada