
23 Okt

The 10th International Conference on Science and Technology

Held as part of the Universitas Gadjah Mada Annual Scientific Conferences (UASC 2024) series, the 10th International Conference on Science and Technology (ICST 2024) provides an ideal academic platform for researchers to present the latest research findings and describe emerging technologies and directions in engineering and the natural sciences.

This year, five symposia will be held, Computer and Information Technology symposium; Life Sciences, Materials, and Applied Chemistry Symposium; Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Symposium; Remote Sensing and Geomatics Symposium; and Geoscience and Environmental Management Symposium

ICST 2024 is in conjunction with the 5th Geoscience and Environmental Management symposium.

The accepted and presented papers will be submitted for possible inclusion to journals/proceedings that are indexed by Scopus/CPCI/DOAJ.

Latest update: 8 August 2024

Date 23-24 Oct 2023

Category Conference
Language English
Participants Public
Location Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact icst@ugm.ac.id.

20 Agu

Nature Masterclasses Live – Expert Trainer-led Workshop 2024

To expand the global reach of Universitas Gadjah Mada scholars, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Springer Nature Research will hold a virtual workshop for selected graduate students, postgraduate students, and faculty members (lecturers or researchers) at Universitas Gadjah Mada with qualification in all fields.

The Nature Masterclasses Live - Expert Trainer-led Workshop is a three-day virtual workshop with 24 sections that divided into 6 consecutive webinar series, starting from 9 am to 3 pm.

Latest update: 5 August 2024

Date 20–22 Aug 2024

Category Workshop
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event

Please be aware of any personal information you enter on the registration form, including your name and e-mail address, may be shared with Universitas Gadjah Mada. If you agree, please register for the webinar.


You need to log in to your UGM mail account to access the registration form.


Similar events
This event is similar with NRA 1, NRA 2, NRA 3, NRA 4, NRA 5, NRA 6, NRA 7, and NRA 8.

Materials and certificate
Materials and certificate are given to the participants who have been attended in the workshop. The materials can be downloaded during the workshop series via GoToWebinar.

Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact Anna Khoirunnisa.

About the trainer

Dr Maybelline Yeo is Editorial Development Advisor at Nature Portfolio and is a Trainer for the Expert Trainer-led Nature Masterclasses – training workshops to improve publication output worldwide. She has more than 10 years of scientific research experience and has numerous academic publications, grants and awards. She also has a strong science communication background and has collaborated with various researchers, universities, NGOs/NPOs, governments, schools, educators, and the general public.


We encourage the listed participants to check their registered e-mail and read the frequently asked questions before joining the workshop.

No. Name Affiliation
1 Abdul Mukhlis Ritonga Faculty of Agricultural Technology
2 Andra Tersiana Faculty of Agricultural Technology
3 Andriati Ningrum Faculty of Agricultural Technology
4 Aristya Ardhitama Faculty of Agricultural Technology
5 Asadin Briliantama Faculty of Agricultural Technology
6 Eva Mayasari Faculty of Agricultural Technology
7 Lucia Dhiantika Witasari Faculty of Agricultural Technology
8 Megita Ryanjani Tanuputri Faculty of Agricultural Technology
9 Mikchaell Alfanov Pardamean Panjaitan Faculty of Agricultural Technology
10 Mirwan Ushada Faculty of Agricultural Technology
11 Novita Kristanti Faculty of Agricultural Technology
12 Pipin Kusumawati Faculty of Agricultural Technology
13 Riana Listanti Faculty of Agricultural Technology
14 Slamet Sulistiadi Faculty of Agricultural Technology
15 Wahidah Mahanani Rahayu Faculty of Agricultural Technology
16 Yeyen Prestyaning Wanita Faculty of Agricultural Technology
17 Christina Wahyu Ary Dewi Faculty of Agriculture
18 Daffa Sandi Lasitya Faculty of Agriculture
19 Esti Harpeni Faculty of Agriculture
20 Evi Setyo Darmawati Faculty of Agriculture
21 Indah Istiqomah Faculty of Agriculture
22 Intan Gilang Cempaka Faculty of Agriculture
23 Mirawanty Amin Faculty of Agriculture
24 Mukhlis Ibrahim Faculty of Agriculture
25 Nia Herlina Faculty of Agriculture
26 Noldy R.E. Kotta Faculty of Agriculture
27 Putri Laeshita Faculty of Agriculture
28 Rianida Taisa Faculty of Agriculture
29 Tri Hanifawati Faculty of Agriculture
30 Zainuri Hanif Faculty of Agriculture
31 Christina Admantin Faculty of Animal Science
32 Dita Prameswari Trenggono Putri Faculty of Animal Science
33 Galuh Adi Insani Faculty of Animal Science
34 Heru Ponco Wardono Faculty of Animal Science
35 Muhlisin Faculty of Animal Science
36 Nur Hidayah Faculty of Animal Science
37 Pita Sudrajad Faculty of Animal Science
38 Widitya Tri Nugraha Faculty of Animal Science
39 Fajar Sofyantoro Faculty of Biology
40 Hana Widiawati Faculty of Biology
41 Jantje Wiliem Souhaly Faculty of Biology
42 Khusnul Qonita Maghfiroh Faculty of Biology
43 Noor Nailis Sa'adah Faculty of Biology
44 Putri Nur Aida Faculty of Biology
45 Selvi Ariyunita Faculty of Biology
46 Vita Meylani Faculty of Biology
47 Wahyu Muzammil Faculty of Biology
48 A. Syihabuddin Aniq Jimly Faculty of Cultural Science
49 Eliesa Ratih Anggraeni Faculty of Cultural Science
50 Emi Nursanti Faculty of Cultural Science
51 Joko Santoso Faculty of Cultural Science
52 Lia Amrina Faculty of Cultural Science
53 M. Afifulloh Faculty of Cultural Science
54 Sahruman Sahruman Faculty of Cultural Science
55 Sofyan Reza Yahya Faculty of Cultural Science
56 Syukrina Rahmawati Faculty of Cultural Science
57 Wariyatun Wariyatun Faculty of Cultural Science
58 Yeni Wulandari Faculty of Cultural Science
59 Yustri Prastiyono Faculty of Cultural Science
60 Andina Widyastuti Faculty of Dentistry
61 Diatri Nari Ratih Faculty of Dentistry
62 Freisiane Sadono Faculty of Dentistry
63 Lastry Ruth Maya TM Padang Faculty of Dentistry
64 Muhammad Hidayat Syahruddin Faculty of Dentistry
65 Putri Raisah Faculty of Dentistry
66 Rr. Paramita Noviasari Faculty of Dentistry
67 Ahmad Fauzan Fathoni Faculty of Economics and Business
68 Apia Agustin Faculty of Economics and Business
69 Barlian Cendana Sari Faculty of Economics and Business
70 Dedy Mainata Faculty of Economics and Business
71 Dhiona Ayu Nani Faculty of Economics and Business
72 Emmelia Tan Faculty of Economics and Business
73 Isro'iyatul Mubarokah Faculty of Economics and Business
74 Kar Woh Chong Faculty of Economics and Business
75 Megawati Syahril Faculty of Economics and Business
76 Muhammad Bagas Ernanda Setiawan Faculty of Economics and Business
77 Muhammad Fajri Faculty of Economics and Business
78 Rizka Pratiwi Faculty of Economics and Business
79 Ade Handayani Faculty of Engineering
80 Adinandra Caesar Fachrudin Faculty of Engineering
81 Ahmad Nasikun Faculty of Engineering
82 Alfian Saleh Faculty of Engineering
83 Anggi Rahmawati Faculty of Engineering
84 Ardi Jati Nugroho Putro Faculty of Engineering
85 Aris Setiawan Faculty of Engineering
86 Budi Arifvianto Faculty of Engineering
87 Dedy Anwar Faculty of Engineering
88 Dedy Firmansyah Faculty of Engineering
89 Desi D. Simamora Faculty of Engineering
90 Diah Mahmuda Faculty of Engineering
91 Dinny Harnany Faculty of Engineering
92 Dyah Ayu Larasati Faculty of Engineering
93 Eko Budiyanto Faculty of Engineering
94 Eko Wahyudi Faculty of Engineering
95 Hendry Yuli Wibowo Faculty of Engineering
96 I Gede Fajar Dwi Kurnia Faculty of Engineering
97 Ifa aulia Chusna Faculty of Engineering
98 Lizda Iswari Faculty of Engineering
99 Mutiawati Mandaka Faculty of Engineering
100 Nafiun Ardi Tanto Faculty of Engineering
101 Nur Zahrati Janah Janah Faculty of Engineering
102 Opan Ropandi Faculty of Engineering
103 Rahmat Riza Faculty of Engineering
104 Rai Pramesti Suteja Faculty of Engineering
105 Randy Ardianto Faculty of Engineering
106 Ridwan Akbar Faculty of Engineering
107 Rispianda Rispianda Faculty of Engineering
108 Salasi Wasis Widyanto Faculty of Engineering
109 Sunu Ardhi Nugroho Faculty of Engineering
110 Aris Sudomo Faculty of Forestry
111 Arniawati Arniawati Faculty of Forestry
112 Devi Manuhua Faculty of Forestry
113 Diyanti Isnani Siregar Faculty of Forestry
114 Faradila Mei Jayani Faculty of Forestry
115 Frita Wardhani Faculty of Forestry
116 Kamran Khan Faculty of Forestry
117 Mochamat Wibisono Faculty of Forestry
118 Nirmala Aryanti Faculty of Forestry
119 Ria Rosdiana Hutagaol Faculty of Forestry
120 Ridla Arifriana Faculty of Forestry
121 Shafridito Arkan Niskala Faculty of Forestry
122 Sigit Normagiat Faculty of Forestry
123 Sri Muryati Faculty of Forestry
124 Tri Wira Yuwati Faculty of Forestry
125 Andrew Mulabbi Faculty of Geography
126 Ari Cahyono Faculty of Geography
127 Arif Ismail Faculty of Geography
128 Atfi Indriany Putri Faculty of Geography
129 Lestari Naomi Lydia Br Pandiangan Faculty of Geography
130 Ratih Fitria Putri Faculty of Geography
131 Satria Yudha Adhitama Faculty of Geography
132 Gilang Puji Andyansyah Faculty of Law
133 Widyani Putri Faculty of Law
134 Anisa Ramadhani Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
135 Ayu Pertiwi Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
136 Evita Purnaningrum Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
137 Fachrizal Rian Pratama Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
138 Fikhri Tasmara Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
139 Ketut Bayu Yogha Bintoro Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
140 Liza Afriyanti Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
141 Maura Widyaningsih Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
142 Muhammad Nurul Huda Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
143 Muhammad Zidny Nafan Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
144 Novita Rosyida Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
145 Petra Febrianto Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
146 Yehezkiel Steven Kurniawan Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
147 Zhafaat Rahimi Zainal Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
148 Zora Rispa Kase Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
149 Ana Ratnawati Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
150 Bella Mardya Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
151 Dessy Rindiyanti Harista Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
152 Dewi Umu Kulsum Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
153 Dwi Budiningsari Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
154 Elya Manik Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
155 Endang Puji Astuti Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
156 Eryna Ayu Nugra Desita Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
157 Hafidh Abimanyu Hidayat Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
158 Krisna Lumban Gaol Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
159 Lasiah Susanti Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
160 Muhammad Taufan Umasugi Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
161 Rafidah Fawwazia Hidayat Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
162 Rahajeng Win Martani Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
163 Rambu Triandhini Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
164 Raodatul Jannah Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
165 Renova Astriani Hutapea Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
166 Sinar Pertiwi Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
167 Siswadi Hutomo Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
168 Sri Mumpuni Yuniarsih Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
169 Tri Ratnaningsih Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
170 Zulia Putri Perdani Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing
171 Andy Eko Wibowo Faculty of Pharmacy
172 Arief Rahman Hakim Faculty of Pharmacy
173 Desy Ayu Irma Permatasari Faculty of Pharmacy
174 Erika Indah Safitri Faculty of Pharmacy
175 I Made Bayu Kresna Yoga Faculty of Pharmacy
176 Ika Buana Januarti Faculty of Pharmacy
177 Indah Sulistyarini Faculty of Pharmacy
178 Irmasari Irmasari Faculty of Pharmacy
179 Juliyanty Akuba Faculty of Pharmacy
180 Lathifa Nabila Faculty of Pharmacy
181 Lia Puspitasari Faculty of Pharmacy
182 Lukman Mahdi Faculty of Pharmacy
183 Mayada Rakhmima Karizki Faculty of Pharmacy
184 Metha Anung Anindhita Faculty of Pharmacy
185 Munifah Wahyuddin Faculty of Pharmacy
186 Nazir Ahmad Faculty of Pharmacy
187 Nisa Febrinasari Faculty of Pharmacy
188 Noor Cahaya Faculty of Pharmacy
189 Nur Ismiyati Faculty of Pharmacy
190 Nurlely Nurlely Faculty of Pharmacy
191 Pratiwi Apridamayanti Faculty of Pharmacy
192 Prima Happy Ratnapuri Faculty of Pharmacy
193 Risman Tunny Faculty of Pharmacy
194 Sundas Ejaz Faculty of Pharmacy
195 Taufiqurohman Taufiqurohman Faculty of Pharmacy
196 Tri fitri Yana Utami Faculty of Pharmacy
197 Tri Yulianti Faculty of Pharmacy
198 Ulfa Filliana Faculty of Pharmacy
199 A. Batara Gemilang Faculty of Philosophy
200 Abdul Rokhmat Sairah Faculty of Philosophy
201 Ahmad Rama Dony Faculty of Philosophy
202 Dela Khoirul Ainia Faculty of Philosophy
203 Septiana Dwiputri Maharani Faculty of Philosophy
204 Alfi Syukrina Hadi Faculty of Psychology
205 Antonius Nandiwardana Faculty of Psychology
206 Melisa Melisa Faculty of Psychology
207 Radhiatul Fitri Faculty of Psychology
208 Siti Makhmudah Faculty of Psychology
209 Wresti Wrediningsih Faculty of Psychology
210 Zaldhi Yusuf Akbar Faculty of Psychology
211 Abdul Gaffar Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
212 Andrea Magnolia Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
213 Apriadi Apriadi Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
214 Bonar Situmorang Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
215 Eko Bagus Sholihin Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
216 Indri Islamiati Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
217 Namira Risqi Putri Muquita Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
218 Pitaloka Ainun Yasmin Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
219 Ririn Tri Nurhayati Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
220 Samodra Wibawa Faculty of Social Science and Political Science
221 Agustina Wijayanti Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
222 Ida Fitriana Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
223 Roza Azizah Primatika Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
224 Sarmin Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
225 Vika Ichsania Ninditya Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
226 Algonz Dimas B. Raharja Graduate School
227 Anwar Rovik Graduate School
228 Artha Debora Graduate School
229 Beta Romadiyanti Graduate School
230 Deddy Sutono Graduate School
231 Fiqih Afriadi Graduate School
232 Fitra Tunnisa Graduate School
233 Fondina Gusriza Graduate School
234 Hafni Juniarti Graduate School
235 Hendra Nasution Graduate School
236 Hikmawaty Hikmawaty Graduate School
237 Ikhlasul Akmal Aulawi Graduate School
238 Ismail Ismail Graduate School
239 Jamalludin Graduate School
240 Jamaluddin Graduate School
241 Neni Hardiati Graduate School
242 Nurul Fitri Hapsari Graduate School
243 Putu Cri Devischa Gallantiswara Graduate School
244 Rian Prima Hardiyanto Graduate School
245 Rima Kusuma Graduate School
246 Rini Eka Sari Graduate School
247 Silsila Asri Graduate School
248 Siti Munfiah Graduate School
249 Titi Fitrianita Graduate School
250 Zielhapes Fuady Graduate School
251 Made Satya Nugraha Gautama Others
252 Mamik Tri Wedawati Others
253 Ridhwan Tumoro Others
254 Yeny Fitriyani Others
255 Benidiktus Tulung Prayoga Vocational School
256 Emilia Karuniawati Vocational School
257 Ghifari Yuristiadhi Masyhari Makhasi Vocational School
258 Hesti Purwaningrum Vocational School
259 Marko Ferdian Salim Vocational School
260 Muhammad Iqbal Taftazani Vocational School
261 Warsini Handayani Vocational School
03 Jun

Klinik Publikasi Buku

Pelajari panduan program
Isi formulir isian
Unggah dokumen
Proposal (.PDF):
1. Formulir pendaftaran
2. Tangkapan layar status keaktifan pada SINTA dan SISTER
3. Pakta integritas
4. Template/format jurnal yang dituju

Dapatkan e-mail pengumuman
Pelaksanaan kegiatan klinik
Laporkan proses publikasi naskah pada SIMASTER

Waktu Juni – Agustus 2024

Kategori Pendampingan
Syarat pengusul Dosen UGM

Latest update
24 Juni 2024

Panduan hanya dapat diakses dengan akun UGM. Silakan login dengan akun UGM sebelum mengakses panduan ini. Informasi akses

Informasi terkait bantuan ini dapat menghubungi Direktorat Penelitian.

01 Des


SciVal adalah sebuah platform analisis yang dikembangkan oleh Elsevier untuk membantu institusi penelitian dan organisasi dalam meningkatkan kualitas dan efisiensi penelitian. Dengan menggunakan alat ini, institusi dapat memantau dan menganalisis data penelitian, serta membandingkan hasil dengan institusi lainnya untuk meningkatkan kualitas penelitian, meningkatkan jumlah publikasi, dan meningkatkan pengaruh penelitian di bidang masing-masing.

SciVal juga memungkinkan pengguna untuk memantau perkembangan penelitian di berbagai bidang, membandingkan hasil dengan institusi lain, dan memantau perkembangan penelitian di berbagai negara.

Untuk menggunakan platform ini, masuk dengan email UGM Anda (username@mail.ugm.ac.id atau username@ugm.ac.id) di website SciVal dalam jaringan internet UGM.

Latest update: 15 May 2024

Date 1 Dec 2023 – 30 Nov 2024

Category Analytic platform
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM, Mahasiswa Diploma UGM, Mahasiswa S1 UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM

Jika Anda memerlukan informasi lebih lanjut, silakan menghubungi Bagus (+62-811-2576-950).

Didukung oleh

Visualisasi Kinerja Penelitian

Kembangkan, lanjutkan, serta monitor program dan strategi penelitian Anda dengan akses ringkasan kinerja penelitian Anda dan kolega Anda.

Kembangkan partisipasi kolaboratif

Lanjutkan program penelitian Anda dengan wawasan keahlian global di sektor dan bidang.

Bandingkan dan monitor kemajuan

Evaluasi dan bandingkan kinerja penelitian Anda dengan orang lain di wilayah, negara, dan dunia.

Analisis Trend Penelitian

Pantau trend penelitian dan peroleh pemahaman yang dalam tentang bidang penelitian dan ahli terkemuka secara global.

Analisis Portofolio Topik

Fitur Topic Prominence in Science memungkinkan Anda untuk menjalankan analisis portofolio untuk melihat topik penelitian mana yang institusi Anda aktif dalam sekarang, dan mana topik yang memiliki momentum tinggi, dan oleh karena itu sangat mungkin dibiayai dengan baik.

Tampilkan Dampak Anda

Buka dan tunjukkan dampak yang lebih luas penelitian Anda pada masyarakat. Identifikasi individu atau output yang mempengaruhi kebijakan atau dikutip dalam paten.

14 Mei

Workshop Penulisan Buku Akademik 2024

Latest update: 3 May 2024


Selasa, 14 Mei 2024 Pukul 09.00-15.00 WIB

Dosen UGM, Tenaga Kependidikan UGM, Mahasiswa S2 dan S3 UGM

Ruang Multimedia 1 Gedung Rektorat UGM

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Kiki.

23 Okt

The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to The 5th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (iBioMed 2024) that will be held on October 2024 in Bali, Indonesia. iBioMed is the bi-annual international conference organized by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. iBioMed 2024 is intended as an International Forum for those who wish to present their latest research results, innovative ideas, and experiences in the field of Biomedical Engineering. This conference will also provide the excellent opportunity to meet experts, exchange information, and strengthen collaboration among researchers, engineers, and scholars from both academia and industry.

You are cordially invited to submit your recent research work to iBioMed 2024.

Paper Submission

Authors are cordially invited to submit full papers (4 to 6 pages) in PDF format. Please download the template from the conference website and submit the full papers online at http://ibiomed.ugm.ac.id/. Upon acceptance, authors are required to register and present their papers at the conference. The paper that is not presented by the author at the conference will be excluded from distribution in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Papers which make outstanding contributions to the relevant topics will be considered for best paper awards.

Papers that are accepted and presented on iBiomed 2024 will be submitted for possible inclusion into IEEE Xplore. IEEE Reserves the right to exclude a paper from distributions after the conference, including IEEE Xplore Digital Library, if the paper is not presented by the author at the conference.

Latest update: 25 April 2024

Date 23–25 October 2024

Category Conference
Language English
Participants Public
Location Bali, Indonesia

Registration for this event requires an account in the EDAS submission system. If you do not have an EDAS account, you need to create one.


Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact ictee.ft@ugm.ac.id.

23 Okt

The 16th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

It is our great pleasure to welcome you to the 16th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering that will be held on October 23-25, 2024, in Bali, Indonesia. ICITEE 2024 is the annual international conference organized by Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The 16th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE) 2024 aims to strengthen the collaboration and provide a forum for academicians, professionals and researchers to discuss and exchange their research results, innovative ideas, and experiences in all aspects of intelligent and advanced technologies, as well as to identify emerging research topics and define the future directions to achieve sustainable development.

You are cordially invited to submit your recent research work to ICITEE 2024.

Accepted and presented papers will be submitted for uploading to the IEEE Xplore digital library, which will be indexed by SCOPUS, EI Compendex, ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, and major databases.

Paper Submission

Authors are cordially invited to submit full papers (4 to 6 pages) in PDF format. Please download the template from the conference website and submit the full papers online at http://icitee.ugm.ac.id/. Upon acceptance, authors are required to register and present their papers at the conference. The paper that is not presented by the author at the conference will be excluded from distribution in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Papers which make outstanding contributions to the relevant topics will be considered for best paper awards.

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore

Latest update: 25 April 2024

Date 23–25 October 2024

Category Conference
Language English
Participants Public
Location Bali, Indonesia

Registration for this event requires an account in the EDAS submission system. If you do not have an EDAS account, you need to create one.


Should there be further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact ictee.ft@ugm.ac.id.

03 Apr

Workshop Penulisan Novel Tahun 2024

Latest update: 24 March 2024


3 Apr 2024 from 08:30 - 11:30 (GMT +7)

Category Workshop
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga Kependidikan UGM, Mahasiswa UGM
Location Zoom Meeting

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sri Wijayanti.


Ramayda Akmal, S.S., M.A., Ph.D.

Novelis, Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM


Dr. Arifah Arum Candra H., M.A.

Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM

01 Apr

Workshop Penulisan Catatan Perjalanan Tahun 2024

Latest update: 24 March 2024


1 Apr 2024 from 12:30 - 15:00 (GMT +7)

Category Workshop
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga Kependidikan UGM, Mahasiswa UGM
Location Zoom Meeting

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sri Wijayanti.


Dr. Cahyaningrum Dewodjati, M.Hum.

Penulis Sastra, Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM


Alvanita, S.S., M.Ed.

Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM

18 Mar

Workshop Penulisan Karya Sastra Tahun 2024

Dalam dunia penerbitan akademis saat ini, mempromosikan penelitian sama pentingnya dengan mempublikasikannya di jurnal ternama. Peningkatan jumlah sitasi tentunya mempunyai dampak positif terhadap karir peneliti karena universitas dan lembaga pendanaan sering kali memperhitungkan jumlah publikasi dan jumlah sitasi secara bersamaan, ketika mengambil keputusan tenor dan hibah. Penting juga bagi editor untuk meningkatkan kutipan artikel yang diterbitkan di jurnal mereka untuk memaksimalkan jangkauan jurnal mereka.

Selain itu, penolakan naskah adalah hal biasa dan bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa alasan termasuk topik penelitian yang tidak penting, hipotesis yang lemah, metodologi yang buruk, dan kesalahan penelitian. Peneliti harus tetap tenang dan tidak berkecil hati jika ada penolakan. Sebaliknya, mereka harus menganggapnya sebagai kesempatan belajar dan berupaya memperbaiki kesalahan mereka. Peneliti perlu memiliki pendekatan positif terhadap penolakan seperti memilih cara untuk memperbaiki naskah berdasarkan komentar pengulas dan jalur alternatif menuju publikasi.

Latest update: 14 March 2024


18 Mar 2024 from 08:30 - 11:30 (GMT +7)

Category Workshop
Language Bahasa Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga Kependidikan UGM, Mahasiswa UGM
Location Hybrid with Zoom Meeting from Ruang Multimedia II Kantor Pusat Universitas Gadjah Mada, Lantai 3 Sayap Selatan

Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Sri Wijayanti.


Benny Arnas

Penulis Sastra, Direktur Benny Institute

Benny adalah penulis 31 buku lintas-genre. Hingga hari ini masih produktif menulis cerpen, esai, catatan perjalanan, kajian kebudayaan, dan puisi. Semua tulisannya yang terbit di berbagai media ia rumahkan di www.bennyarbas.com. Sejak 2020, ia mengembangkan Story by 5, formula menulis naratif yang ia klaim cepat, bernas, dan terukur. Kini ia berkhidmat di Benny Institute, komunitas literasi dengan menyelenggarakan kelas menulis, kajian budaya, aksara kuno, film pendek, fotografi, dan seni peran; festival menulis dan film, dan klab buku. Lebih dekat dengannya di Instagram @bennyarnas dan @story.by5.

Ramayda Akmal

Novelis, Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM

Ramayda menyelesaikan S1 dan S2 di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM, dan menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya di Universität Hamburg pada 2022. Ramayda adalah staf pengajar di Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, UGM. Karya-karyanya antara lain, novel Jatisaba (Pemenang unggulan Sayembara Menulis Novel DKJ 2010), antologi cerpen Lengkingan Viola Desingan Peluru (Buku Sastra Terbaik pilihan Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta 2013), novel Tango&Sadimin (Runner up Unnes International Novel Writing Contest 2017), dan yang terbaru, antologi cerpen Aliansi Monyet Putih (2022). Ramayda juga menulis esai dan opini di beberapa surat kabar nasional seperti Kompas, Tempo, Jawa Pos, dan detik.com, dan terlibat secara reguler dalam kerja-kerja kuratorial sastra di level nasional dan internasional.
  Selain fiksi, Ramayda menulis kritik sastra yang telah diterbitkan antara lain Pahlawan dan Pecundang, Militer dalam Novel-Novel Indonesia (Gamapress, 2014 bersama Aprinus Salam), Melawan Takdir, Subjektivitas Pramoedya Ananta Toer dalam Novel Perburuan (Gamapress, 2015), Selintas Naratologi Sastra dan Film Indonesia (sebagai editor, Gambang, 2023). Di tahun ini, akan segera terbit buku teori yang ditulisnya bersama Faruk, berjudul Naratologi: Teori dan Aplikasi (KPG, 2024).


Asef Saeful Anwar

Penulis Sastra, Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM

Asef adalah seorang staf pengajar di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya UGM. Penulis buku Persada Studi Klub dalam Arena Sastra Indonesia (UGM Press, 2015) dan novel Alkudus (Basabasi, 2017) ini pernah meraih penghargaan Tama Prayojana 2018 dari Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta. Ia juga menulis album puisi Searah Jalan Pulang (Kibul, 2018) dan kumcer Betapa Kita Masih Belum Beranjak dari Pertanyaan tentang Cinta (Shira Media, 2019). Sejumlah esai dan cerpennya kadang dimuat di media massa, baik cetak maupun daring.