- Beranda
- Event

Latest update: 19 Februari 2025
Date 6 Maret 2025
Category Workshop
Language Indonesia
Participants Guru Besar, Dosen UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Ruang Multimedia 1 Kantor Pusat UGM
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Anna Nisa.

Latest update: 2 September 2024
Date 5 Sep 2024
Category Workshop
Language Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Musliichah.

Latest update: 2 September 2024
Date 3 Sep 2024
Category Workshop
Language Indonesia
Participants Dosen UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Location Virtual event
Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi Iwik.

Dalam era digitalisasi yang semakin pesat, sumber daya penelitian ilmiah menjadi semakin kompleks dan luas. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memiliki alat bantu yang efektif dan akurat dalam mengakses, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi karya ilmiah. Web of Science Core Collection dan Journal Citation Report merupakan dua alat yang sangat berharga dalam komunitas akademis global.
Web of Science Core Collection (WoS) adalah platform pencarian global yang menyatukan basis data bibliografi dan abstrak terbesar dari literatur ilmiah yang telah ditelaah sejawat. Dengan cakupan yang luas, WoS mencakup lebih dari 8.500 jurnal penting dalam 150 disiplin ilmu, serta lebih dari 1.700 jurnal seni dan humaniora. Platform ini juga termasuk Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Index Chemicus, dan Book Citation Index. Ketersediaan data yang komprehensif ini memungkinkan peneliti untuk melakukan eksplorasi mendalam terhadap sub-bidang khusus dalam disiplin akademis atau ilmiah.
Journal Citation Report (JCR) adalah laporan kutipan jurnal tahunan yang memungkinkan komunitas riset, penerbit, dan pustakawan untuk mengevaluasi dan membandingkan dampak ilmiah dari jurnal berkualitas dunia. Dengan memperluas Journal Impact Factor (JIF) ke semua jurnal yang di-indeks di WoS Core Collection, JCR memberikan transparansi penuh pada artikel dan kutipan yang telah berkontribusi pada dampak ilmiah. Ini membantu menyamakan kedudukan untuk semua jurnal berkualitas, termasuk jurnal akses terbuka, jurnal dengan niche, dan jurnal dari Global South.
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas penelitian dan penggunaan sumber daya ilmiah, penyelenggaraan bimbingan teknis penggunaan WoS Core Collection dan JCR sangat diperlukan. Bimbingan ini tidak hanya membantu pengguna memahami fitur-fitur platform, tetapi juga meningkatkan kemampuan analisis dan evaluasi karya ilmiah, sehingga dapat mendukung inovasi dan kemajuan dalam bidang penelitian ilmiah.
Latest update: 22 August 2024

EndNote Web, also known as EndNote Online, is a web-based reference management and bibliography creation tool. It allows users to collect, organize, and store references online, facilitating the creation of in-text citations and bibliographies. EndNote Web is particularly useful for researchers and students who need to manage and format references efficiently for academic papers and publications.
To use this platform, log in with your UGM email address (username@mail.ugm.ac.id or username@ugm.ac.id) on the EndNote Web website while connected to the UGM network.
Latest update: 14 August 2024
Date 15 July 2024 – 14 July 2025
Category Analytic platform
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM, Mahasiswa Diploma UGM, Mahasiswa S1 UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
If you have any questions, please contact April (+62-811-2576-950).
Collect and organize references from various databases, including the Web of Science database.
Generate citations and bibliographies in multiple styles, such as APA, MLA, and Chicago.
Store up to 50,000 records and 2GB of file storage (PDF and Image).
Download the Cite While You Write tool to create citations and bibliographies directly within Microsoft Word documents.
A tool for capturing PDFs of articles.
Users can create an account using their institutional email or link to an existing account through the Web of Science database.

Web of Science is a comprehensive research platform that provides access to a wide array of scholarly literature across various disciplines. It features a powerful citation database that allows researchers to track citations, analyze research trends, and discover relevant academic content. The platform includes tools for managing references and offers insights into journal impact factors, making it a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and institutions seeking to enhance their research capabilities and visibility in the scientific community
To use this platform, log in with your UGM email address (username@mail.ugm.ac.id or username@ugm.ac.id) on the Web of Science website while connected to the UGM network.
Not on the UGM Campus now? Learn more to access remotely.
Latest update: 14 August 2024
Date 15 July 2024 – 14 July 2025
Category Analytic platform
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM, Mahasiswa Diploma UGM, Mahasiswa S1 UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Didn't have a Web of Science account yet? Learn more.
If you have any questions, please contact April (clarivate-ugm@googlegroups.com).
Powered by
Comprehensive citation data, encompassing over 33,000 publications across diverse fields like natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities, facilitating detailed analysis of research impact and trends over time.
Web of Science's in-house editors, specializing in specific subject areas, conduct a rigorous editorial process to ensure high-quality and unbiased journal inclusion, differing from algorithm-driven approaches.
A comprehensive view of an individual’s scholarly contributions, including publications, citation metrics, and peer reviews, to track academic impact and collaboration opportunities.
Re-evaluated based on quality and impact, allowing journals to move between collections based on citation performance.
Search across diverse fields, enabling the discovery of relevant literature not easily found in specialized databases.
Web of Science provides extensive links to full-text articles, enhancing accessibility to research materials and supporting comprehensive literature reviews.

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) is a trusted academic information source for identifying leading journals. It provides transparent and neutral data to assist in making more reliable decisions. Its primary functions include identifying critical journals, measuring journal performance using the Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and Engagement Index, and integrating descriptive data such as open access content and contribution regions. JCR aids researchers, publishers, libraries, and funders in understanding journal performance and making more informed decisions.
To use this platform, simply log in with your UGM email (username@mail.ugm.ac.id or username@ugm.ac.id) on the JCR website within the UGM internet network.
Not on the UGM Campus now? Learn more to access remotely.
Latest update: 14 August 2024
Date 15 July 2024 – 14 July 2025
Category Report platform
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM, Mahasiswa Diploma UGM, Mahasiswa S1 UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Didn't have a Web of Science account yet? Learn more.
If you have any questions, please contact April (clarivate-ugm@googlegroups.com).
Powered by
Measures the average number of citations received by articles to identify high-quality journals within specific fields.
Compare citation impacts across disciplines, evaluating the relative influence of journals and identifying leading publications in various research areas with normalized metrics.
Indicates how often articles in a journal are cited in the same year they are published, helping researchers understand the timeliness and relevance of a journal's content, especially in fast-moving fields.
Represents the median age of articles that are cited in a journal, providing insight into the longevity and enduring impact of a journal's published research, highlighting how long its articles remain relevant.
Provides descriptive data on open access content, top contributors, and geographical distribution, aiding researchers and institutions in making informed decisions about journal selection and library collection management.
Include over 9,000 journals across various disciplines, including the Arts and Humanities, enabling easier comparisons and a more comprehensive understanding of journal performance within specific fields.
Compare journals more effectively, providing a clearer picture of a journal's standing and facilitating better-informed publication decisions.

InCites Benchmarking & Analytics, a product of Clarivate, is a flexible research evaluation tool that helps you easily analyze trusted and objective data from the Web of Science Core Collection to make confident decisions about your research programs. This tool analyzes data from patents and grants, providing strategic insights through normalized citation indicators. It offers flexible reporting with ready-to-use report options and advanced analysis capabilities, enabling you to demonstrate research impact and advance open science. InCites assists in driving your research mission forward by informing strategic planning, benchmarking against peers, demonstrating funding outcomes, and optimizing collaborations.
InCites Benchmarking & Analytics is a powerful tool for analyzing research by topics and subject areas, made more dynamic by the wide range of category schemas. It enables institutions to upload researchers, teams, departments, and publications to more granularly assess and standardize citation reporting across the organization. With InCites, you can inform the strategic planning of resources, funding, and initiatives that drive your university's mission forward, demonstrate the value of your research institution's output, discover new investment areas, measure the effectiveness of your publication outputs, and maintain your competitive advantage.
To use this platform, log in with your UGM email address (username@mail.ugm.ac.id or username@ugm.ac.id) on the InCites website while connected to the UGM network.
Not on the UGM Campus now? Learn more to access remotely.
Latest update: 14 August 2024
Date 15 July 2024 – 14 July 2025
Category Analytic platform
Language English
Participants Dosen UGM, Tenaga kependidikan tetap UGM, Mahasiswa Diploma UGM, Mahasiswa S1 UGM, Mahasiswa S2 UGM, Mahasiswa S3 UGM
Didn't have a Web of Science account yet? Learn more.
If you have any questions, please contact April (clarivate-ugm@googlegroups.com).
Powered by
Utilize reliable data from 1980 to the present, used in 75% of major research evaluations, along with insights from Derwent Innovations Index™ and Pivot-RP.
Leverage normalized citation indicators to identify key research areas and conduct UN SDG analyses.
Access ready-to-use reports to track progress towards open research goals and optimize decisions using journal-level metrics.