The Research Ethics Committee of Universitas Gadjah Mada

The Research Ethics Committee of Universitas Gadjah Mada is one of Universitas Gadjah Mada’s efforts to mitigate risks related to any possible irregularities that may occur in the process of conducting research. Therefore, the processes of research are expectedly carried out well, based on integrity and ethics and ensures the safety of all living things involved in. We serve the submission of ethical clearance letter requests from the researchers, lecturers, students as well as educational staff. The Research Ethics Commission office is located at the Research Directorate, UGM Head Office, in the southern side of 3rd Floor.

Files needed in the submission of ethical clearance letter requests, namely :

  1. Form 1 Submission of New Ethics Review (can be downloaded here)
  2. Form 2 Protocol Summary (can be downloaded here)
  3. Cover Letter from the Institution
  4. Proposals / Protocols Approved by Advisors / Institutions
  5. Explanation Form to Prospective Research Subjects (if any)
  6. Informed Consent Form (ICF) – Approval Sheet after Explanation (if any)
  7. Advertisement (if any)
  8. Research Brochure (if any)
  9. Data Collection Tools, ex: Interview Guide, FGD, Questionnaire (if any)
  10. List of Research Team Names
  11. Researcher CV
  12. Research Budget

Submission Of Ethical Clearance Letter Requests Flow Chart