Majalah Obat Tradisional (Trad. Med. J) Indexed in Scopus

On 14 November 2023, the data of articles published by Majalah Obat Tradisional (Trad. Med. J) has been included into Scopus database for publication released in 2019. This signifies that Majalah Obat Traditional has successfully met the criteria for inclusion in the Scopus index. Undoubtedly, this achievement stands as noteworthy news for Universitas Gadjah Mada. Majalah Obat Tradisional was submitted in Scopus on 28 December 2022, and received acceptance on 21 January 2023. In additional, the articles data officially included into Scopus database on 14 November 2023. This indexed Scopus UGM Journal has published many findings, research, and advancement in herbal and traditional medicine. This milestone is inseparable from the diligent efforts of the journal management, the invaluable assistance extended, and the steadfast support received from UGM leadership. Furthermore, the assistance for journals in UGM that are potential to be indexed in Scopus has been conducted by journal reputation improvement team since 2018. With the inclusion of Traditional Medicine Journal in the Scopus database, as of November 14, 2023, the total number of UGM journals indexed in Scopus has reached 10. These journals are Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business (GamaIJB), Indonesian Journal of Chemistry (IJC), Indonesian Journal of Geography (IJG), Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy (IJP), Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology (IJBiotech), Journal of Social and Political Sciences (JSP), Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology (JTBB), ASEAN Journal of Chemical Engineering (ASEAN J. Chem. Eng), Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business (JIEB), and the latest addition, Traditional Medicine Journal (Trad. Med. J), managed by the Faculty of Pharmacy at UGM.