Agricultural Research Partnership with Universities (Kerja sama Kemitraan Penelitian Pertanian dengan Perguruan Tinggi -KKP3T)

About KKP3T

The Agricultural Research and Development Agency invites Indonesian universities that competent in agriculture to conduct research collaborations through the Agricultural Research Partnerships with Universities (KKP3T) program. KKP3T is a collaborative research activity of partnership between work unit/integrated service unit within the scope of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency and higher education which is funded from the Budget execution register of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency based on the provisions which will be explained further in the Guidebook.

The basis for the consideration of this activity is the relationship between the Agricultural Research and Development Agency as the implementer of applied research to produce technological and institutional innovations in order to support agricultural development with universities, which in accordance with their mandate, also carry out basic and applied research. Each of these institutions has adequate human resources and facilities to carry out agricultural research activities. If these two institutional capabilities are combined in a research collaboration, it can be expected that quality research will be produced, efficient in the utilization of research resources, and the benefits of the research results can be increased.

The KKP3T program is designed as a vehicle for research partnerships between the Agricultural Research and Development Agency and agricultural universities, which aims to:

  1. Improving efficiency, effectiveness, productivity and quality of research for problem solving (problem solving research) agricultural development that can be applied in the short term.
  2. Improve the capacity of human resources in agricultural universities and work units/integrated service units within the scope of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency in conducting research and development of basic and applied science and technology in the context of solving agricultural development problems.
  3. Build and strengthen partnership networks between researchers in the same field from universities and UK/UPT within the scope of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency so that they can jointly form the ability to develop basic and applied science and technology needed to grow innovation capacity in line with technological advances.
  4. Producing innovation through the use of various research resources that are already available at agricultural universities and UK/UPT within the scope of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency.
  5. Cooperate in the utilization of human resources, facilities, funding and information.

KKP3T is a research collaboration between the Agency for Agricultural Research and Development and universities in Indonesia that have competence in the field of agriculture. Therefore, this collaboration must involve university elements, namely senior lecturers with master/doctoral (S2/S3) degrees and at least 1 (one) master and/or doctoral student from the Agricultural Research and Development Agency who is already at the research stage. Meanwhile, the elements of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency are represented by UK/UPT within the scope of the Agricultural Research and Development Agency, involving a minimum of 2 (two) researchers, one of whom is a member of the student supervisor who is involved in the research. If the research proposal is approved for funding, a letter of appointment of the researcher as one of the supervisors/supervisors by the relevant postgraduate study program must be issued immediately.

Groups of scientific fields that will be collaborated include:

  1. Soil, water, agro-climate and environmental resources;
  2. Food crops, horticulture and plantation crops;
  3. Medicinal plants and biopharmaceuticals;
  4. Animal Husbandry and Veterinary;
  5. Agricultural biotechnology and genetic resources;
  6. Post harvest technology;
  7. Agricultural mechanization;
  8. Social engineering, farmer institutions and agricultural extension, and;
  9. Economics, finance and agricultural policy.