The 4th ICoSIA 2023: Scientific Discourse on Food Security in Multidimensional Crises with International Experts

The second series of UGM Annual Scientific Conference (UASC) 2023 invites experts in the field of agriculture on the 4th International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA 2023). The conference was held on 10-11 October 2023 in Grand Ballroom Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta.

As the representative of UGM’s rector, Prof. drg. Diatri Nari Ratih, secretary of directorate of research UGM, during her welcoming remarks expressed that UGM through ICoSIA 2023 plays essential role for UGM’s commitment to preserve the intellectual culture. ICoSIA 2023 is expected to be the strong inspiration for researchers and motivate the experts to deliver bigger impacts into the life sciences field.

Dr. Ir. Mohammad Zainal Abidin, S.Pt., M.Biotech., IPM., Chairman of the ICoSIA 2023 organizing committee, conveyed in his address that this event serves as a global platform for agricultural excellence, encompassing diverse perspectives and experiences. The various and evolving challenges in the face of multidimensional crises underscore the imperative of food security, not merely as a noble endeavor but also as a vital component for the sustenance of human life. ICoSIA 2023 adopts the theme “Food Security and Resilience in Multidimensional Crises,” emphasizing the critical nature of discussions led by keynote speakers and participants alike.

The presentation of materials and scientific discussions at ICoSIA 2023 unfolded compellingly with the participation of speakers from six countries. These esteemed speakers include Prof. Rosnah Shamsudin (Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia), Dr. Shinichi Takashima Sobue (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan), Dr. Glenn Gregorio (Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture, Philippines), Dr. Anthony Young (The University of Queensland, Australia), Ahasanul Hoque (The World Bank, Bangladesh), and Asst. Prof. Piyapong Tongdeenok (Kasetsart University, Thailand).

ICoSIA 2023 drew participation from a total of 170 attendees representing 11 countries, namely Indonesia, India, Hungary, Australia, South Korea, Thailand, Japan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Ethiopia, and the Philippines. Following a rigorous review process, 76 papers were selected from the initial 96 submissions for presentation across seven distinct symposia:

  1. Agricultural Big Data Analysis Symposium
  2. Agricultural Geography Symposium
  3. Land and Environmental Management Symposium
  4. Precision Nutrition Technology Symposium
  5. Smart and Precision Farming Symposium
  6. Smart Genetics Resource Management and Utilization Symposium
  7. Sustainable Food Production Symposium

Subsequently, for scholarly dissemination through proceedings, all presented papers will be published on BIO Web of Conferences. As a token of appreciation for participants presenting their work at ICoSIA 2023, certificates of recognition will also be awarded for the best papers in each symposium category.

Prof. Mirwan Ushada, S.T.P., M.App.Life.Sc., the Director of Research at UGM, concluded the ICoSIA 2023 event by expressing appreciation to the invited speakers, moderators, participants, organizers, and all involved parties who worked diligently and with dedication to ensure the success of ICoSIA 2023. The culmination of ICoSIA 2023 has fostered an engaging scientific discourse, anticipated to collectively contribute to addressing challenges in the field of agriculture.




Writer: Kiki
Photo: Last Pictures
Translator: Zahra