Fund for Innovative-Productive Research (Riset Inovatif-Produktif – RSPRO)
Definition of Rispro Funds Assistance
RISPRO Funding is a multidisciplinary research funding program that implemented in multiyears that aimed at encouraging research product innovation and leading to the commercialization/implementation of research outputs. The purpose of this funding assistance is to encourage research that can increase the nation’s competitiveness in the following directions:
- Develop and/or produce products;
- Develop and/or produce public policies;
- Developing science and technology;
- Preserving national values and culture; and
- Empowering the community
Types of RISPRO Funding Assistance
RISPRO-LPDP funding consists of two types:
- Commercial RISPRO Fund Assistance (Bantuan Dana RISPRO Komersial)
- Implementative RISPRO Funding Assistance (Bantuan Dana RISPRO Implementatif)
Terms and Components of RISPRO Funds Assistance
The terms and general components of RISPRO Funds Assistance are as follows:
- RISPRO funding is multiyears.
- RISPRO Funding is given annually with 3 (three) disbursement stages.
- The amount of research funding assistance is determined by the President Director through the LPDP Board of Directors meeting.
The provisions mentioned above are further elaborated for each type of RISPRO as follows:
- Commercial RISPRO Fund Assistance
- Research grants are multiyears for a maximum of 3 (three) years for each research title.
- Research funding assistance is given to research that integrates technology systematically from basic research into proven technology.
- Research funding assistance for each research title is a maximum of IDR 2,000,000,000 (two billion rupiah).
- The unit of cost of salaries / wages including the resource person honorarium refers to the prevailing general cost standard provisions (Ministry of Finance or institutions). Meanwhile, procurement / purchase of goods and / or equipment is carried out in accordance with applicable regulations.
- Implementative RISPRO Funding Assistance
- Research grants are multiyears for a maximum of 2 (two) years for each research title.
- The research group that can continue research in the following year is the group of researchers who meet the output target in accordance with the research funding grant agreement in the first year.
- Funding assistance for each research title is a maximum of IDR 500,000,000 (five hundred million rupiah)
RISPRO focus
- Commercial RISPRO
- Food
- Energy
- Health and Medicine
- Defense and Security
- Transportation
- Information and Communication
- Advanced Material
- Implementative RISPRO
- Governance
- Eco-Growth
- Social Religious
- Culture
Requirements, Criteria, Assessment of RISPRO
Commercial RISPRO requirements
RISPRO Funds for the commercialization of products / technology will be provided for research that meets the following requirements:
- Research must have business viability;
- Research must let in a partners so the results of research can be directly applied/commercialized by partners supported by a cooperation agreement (memorandum of understanding);
- Partners are the government / local government and / or companies / Indonesian citizens; cooperative; and / or micro, small and medium enterprises with legal status; and
- Partners must have a commitment to contribute to research at least 10% of the proposed research funding assistance in the form of funding and / or other forms that can be measured in cash (cash / in-kind).
Implementative RISPRO Requirements
RISPRO Funds for implementing policies / models will be provided for research that meets the following requirements:
- Research in the first year may involve partners (optional) and must involve partners in the second year so that direct research results can be implemented;
- Partners are public sector institutions (government and local government agencies, including non-governmental organizations) or corporations that can act as regulators / implementers of research results or community groups that can act as users of research results;
- Research must have the feasibility of implementing the policy / model