

Current and Future Issues Related to Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Variety Protection

Current and Future Issues Related to Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Variety Protection


On Friday, August 25, 2023, the Directorate of Research of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) held a Focus Group Discussion on the Preparation of Intellectual Property (IP) Curriculum Supporting Modules, with the theme, “Current and Future Issue Terkait Hak Kekayaan Intelektual Pelindungan Varietas Tanaman” (Current and Future Issues Related to Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Variety Protection).  This activity was one of a series of activities in the preparation of supporting IP modules, in a collaborative effort between Universitas Gadjah Mada and the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this activity was specifically to enrich knowledge and provide insight and understanding related to plant variety protection (PVP), and support the enrichment of PVP module material.

The FGD began with remarks from the Director of Research of UGM, Prof. Dr. Mirwan Ushada, S.T.P., M.App.Life.Sc. In his speech, Prof. Mirwan expressed his gratitude to the Directorate General of Intellectual Property for its collaboration with UGM in the preparation of the IP modules. This year, UGM has conducted two major collaborations that not only support downstream commercialization but also the upstream. Said Prof. Mirwan: “Research results support the development of knowledge sharing, increase competitive human resources, and support the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045.” Before ending his remarks, Prof. Mirwan expressed his hope that the various parties in attendance share their experiences, ideas, and input, so as to support the Current and Future Issues Related to Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Variety Protection, as the basis for making IP curriculum modules in the PVP field.

The speech was followed by Erni Purnamasari, S.H., M.H., as the Coordinator of Intellectual Property Empowerment. Erni said that in DJKI there is an activity agenda in the form of IP Academy, where an MOU has been signed between DJKI and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). This FGD activity is expected to provide input on modules supporting the IP curriculum, especially in the field of PVP as support for the IP Academy, which should ultimately provide national benefits.

The FGD continued with a discussion on Current and Future Issues Related to Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Variety Protection, delivered by the Head of the Center for Plant Variety Protection and Agricultural Licensing (PVTPP), Dr. Ir. Leli Nuryati, M.Sc., and Ir. Ayub Darmanto, the Managing Director of PT. Primasid Andalan Utama. The discussion session was moderated by Dr. Panjisakti Basunanda, S.P., M.P., lecturer from the Faculty of Agriculture, UGM. On this occasion, Leli conveyed several strategic issues related to PVP, including the need for regulatory alignment, namely the suitability of the latest regulations with the needs and developments of the times. It is important to implement adequate legal protection for business actors in the seed industry, in addition to more concrete steps to ensure conducive legal handling. Harmonization of the PVP System at the international level is also needed, by developing a consistent and standardized system across jurisdictions. This can support the facilitation of cross-border trade, protecting IP more effectively and strengthening international cooperation in the field of IP. Indonesia plans to become a member of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV), so there needs to be synergy and collaboration with all stakeholders, as well as harmonizing Indonesian Law No. 29 of 2000 and the 1991 UPOV Convention. “Harmonization of PVP has many benefits, but its implementation at the international level can be very complex due to differences in socio-economics, culture, legal systems, and national interests,” said Leli. At the end of the discussion, Leli further explained that the PVTPP will encourage Indonesia to prepare to become a member of UPOV. Leli also hoped for cooperation from various parties, especially from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

In the second session, the discussion was led by Ir. Ayub Darmanto on several matters related to problems that occur in the field. Some of the problems that are often encountered are the propagation of varieties that have received PVP rights by irresponsible parties, or as was said by Ayub, “The use of varieties that have received PVP rights to create new types of superior varieties.” The unauthorized use of male/female parents to produce hybrid derivatives is a problem that is not uncommon in the seed industry. As a business entity that employs breeders, the seed industry can also have protection rights over new and superior varieties that have been produced. Along with the development of new varieties that already have PVP rights, various concerned parties will also get economic rights in the form of royalties on these new varieties. With the existence of PVP protection, new superior varieties will be easier to socialize in all agricultural sectors, so as to attract many parties to invest. On this occasion, Ayub proposed that the implementation of the New, Unique, Uniform, and Stable (BUSS) test could be carried out simultaneously with the variety release test to save costs. In addition, DNA marking is needed to anticipate if there is a claim against varieties that have received a PVP certificate. “It would be nice if the PVTPP could bridge parties if there is a dispute over varieties that have received a PVP certificate,” said Ayub. Finally Ayub conveyed that for beginner breeders, support should be given in the form of exemption from annual fees for 3 years, starting from the issuance of the PVP certificate.

Penulis : Baskara Wismarizqa
Foto      : Regita Cahya Santi

Top 10 most-cited articles in Scopus by UGM authors, 2018–2022

Top 10 most-cited articles in Scopus by UGM authors, 2018–2022


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The credibility and relevance of researchers is reflected by many indicators, one of which is the number of citations or citations as references to other research. The more a scientific article is cited shows that the publication is read and used by other researchers. This, of course, also has a good impact on UGM’s reputation as a world-class research university.

Based on data from Scopus as of August 22, 2023, the UGM publication with the most citations was “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An overview of viral structure and host response,” with a total of 628 citations. This article was written by a lecturer from the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics FKKMK UGM, and published in the journal, Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews, which has a CiteScore of 15.4 and h-index of 71.

The full list of the ten-most cited articles can be found in the table below;

No. Document title UGM author Year Source Cited by View last title
1 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2): An overview of viral structure and host response
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Indwiani Astuti 2020 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews 628 miRNA-21 as High Potential Prostate Cancer Biomarker in Prostate Cancer Patients in Indonesia
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2 Liquid hydrogen, methylcyclohexane, and ammonia as potential hydrogen storage: Comparison review
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Chandra Wahyu Purnomo 2019 International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 226 Synthesis of natural zeolite adsorbent for CO2 adsorption
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3 The human cost of global warming: Deadly landslides and their triggers (1995–2014)
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Wahyu Wilopo 2019 Science of the Total Environment 196 Rock Mass Classifications for Empirical Support System Design of the Cidanau Dam Diversion Tunnel, Banten, Indonesia
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4 Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices: From Design to Applications
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Eka Noviana 2021 Chemical Reviews 176 In vitro evaluation of antioxidant, α-glucosidase inhibitor, and antibacterial activities of frangipani flower and the principal component analysis of its constituents
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5 Electrochemical paper-based devices: Sensing approaches and progress toward practical applications
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Eka Noviana 2020 Lab on a Chip 167 In vitro evaluation of antioxidant, α-glucosidase inhibitor, and antibacterial activities of frangipani flower and the principal component analysis of its constituents
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6 Efficacy of Wolbachia-infected mosquito deployments for the control of dengue
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Adi Utarini 2021 New England Journal of Medicine 153 Reply to Kapur, V. Is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis a Cost-Effective Intervention to Avert Rabies Deaths among School-Aged Children in India? Comment on “Royal et al. A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis to Avert Rabies Deaths in School-Aged Children in India. Vaccines 2023, 11, 88”
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7 Applications of Google Search Trends for risk communication in infectious disease management: A case study of the COVID-19 outbreak in Taiwan
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Anis Fuad 2020 International Journal of Infectious Diseases 147 Comments on “Ranking researchers: Evidence from Indonesia” by Fry et al. (2023)
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8 Phylogeny and genetic diversity of the banana Fusarium wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in the Indonesian centre of origin
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Siti Subandiyah 2019 Studies in Mycology 148 HYPER-SOLUBILIZING TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE MUTANTS OF Klebsiella sp. GMD08
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9 N-soft sets and their decision making algorithms
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Dedi Rosadi 2018 Soft Computing 135 A weighted metric scalarization approach for multiobjective BOHB hyperparameter optimization in LSTM model for sentiment analysis
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10 The therapeutic potential of targeting tryptophan catabolism in cancer
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Dyah Laksmi Dewi 2020 British Journal of Cancer 128 The therapeutic potential of targeting tryptophan catabolism in cancer
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Sumber: Data Scopus Diolah (2023)
Penulis: Kiki & Syahrul

Commemoration of National Technology Day 2023 and Launching of GATe (Gadjah Mada Airport Transporter Electric) Electric Vehicle Products on e-Catalogue

Commemoration of National Technology Day 2023 and Launching of GATe (Gadjah Mada Airport Transporter Electric) Electric Vehicle Products on e-Catalogue

Universitas Gadjah Mada has received a government mandate to carry out research and development of an electric train specifically for the airport area. This vehicle is named GATe (Gadjah Mada Airport Transporter Electric). The GATe vehicle has the capacity to carry as many as 5 passengers and one driver with a maximum speed of 25 km/hour. This vehicle is based on electricity with energy stored in batteries, with a drive motor of 4000 watts. The cruising ability of GATe is about 50 km and can be extended with higher battery specifications.

This research began with a market survey of electric vehicle needs at the airport, followed by the development of several vehicle designs, and finally the production of the one currently in use. The initial prototype of two units was revealed on National Technology Day on August 10, 2019. In the following year, the prototype was developed into a product that is used by end consumers, namely airport managers. In 2020, three units were successfully made and used at Soekarno Hatta Airport and one unit at Yogyakarta International Airport. This product order was sponsored by the Minister of Transportation with the hope of encouraging the development of domestic electric vehicles.

In 2022 and 2023, the research was devoted to preparing for initial production. During this period, production documents, plant design, supply chain supporting production components, and production facilities were prepared. The product distribution network to end consumers was also prepared. Facilities for initial production were completed, with a production target of 10 units ready for market. At this time, there are already seven units of the vehicle completed.

On this occasion, the GATe product was inaugurated to be included in the e-catalog by the Director of LPDP Research Facilitation, the Rector of UGM, the Director of Research and the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, and Cooperation of the Faculty of Engineering. The E-catalog is an electronic information system that contains lists, types, technical specifications and prices of certain Goods/Services from various Government Goods/Services Providers. With the inclusion of GATe products in the e-catalog, consumers such as government institutions will be able to order and buy this product easily. Hopefully the UGM team’s electric vehicles will be more successful in the future and provide benefits to many parties.

Pre-Event Series of Business Meeting and Investment Forum UGM 2023, “Exploring the Potential of the Archipelago’s Local Wisdom as a Solution and Inspiration in the Era of Resilience”

Pre-Event Series of Business Meeting and Investment Forum UGM 2023, “Exploring the Potential of the Archipelago’s Local Wisdom as a Solution and Inspiration in the Era of Resilience”

The Directorate of Research of Universitas Gadjah Mada organized the UGM 2023 Business Meeting and Investment Forum Pre-Event Series activities on Thursday, July 27, 2023 at the Ratu Boko Palace Temple Tourism Park Ballroom. This Pre-Event Series is one of a series of UGM 2023 Business Meeting and Investment Forum activities whose peak will be held in September 2023. As a derivative of UGM’s flagship, namely “Realizing Socio-Cultural Resilience of Society,” this activity raises the theme, “Exploring the Potential of the Archipelago’s Local Wisdom as a Solution and Inspiration in the Era of Resilience.”

This activity featured five speakers who represented the theme raised—Dr. G.R. Lono Lastoro Simatupang, M.A., who is a lecturer in the Anthropology Study Program of the Faculty of Arts UGM; Agustin Peranginangin, the President Director of the Borobudur Implementation Authority Agency; Ema Widiastuti, Director of ITDC Business Development; Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya, M.Soc.Sc., Ph.D., the Commissioner of PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia; and Qolbiyati Muthmainah, VP of Finance of PT Taman Wisata Candi. This activity was guided and moderated by Dr. Mohamad Yusuf, M.A., the Head of UGM’s Center for Tourism Studies. Various parties who attended this activity, ranging from academics, representatives of government agencies, companies, and industries were entertained with a mini expo exhibition that featured superior products from UGM as well as innovations from MSMEs, namely Terawang Indonesia (Center for Asia Pacific Studies UGM), SIBAYA (Center for Cultural Studies UGM), Acaraki Herbs (Faculty of Pharmacy UGM), and bulk hampers (Startup Directorate of Student Affairs UGM).

UGM’s Vice Rector for Research, Business Development, and Cooperation, Ignatius Susatyo Wijoyo, M.M., expressed hope in his speech that the forum that brings together UGM lecturers, researchers, and inventors with partners can become a strategic forum to synergize the themes and research programs of the university’s academics, so that they can be released and benefit society. In this activity, there was also a symbolic signing of the MoU of cooperation between UGM and PT Sido Muncul Tbk.

The panoramic view of Yogyakarta from the Ratu Boko Palace complex supported an interesting discussion with the speakers. The enthusiasm of invited guests and participants further enlivened the question and answer session, resulting in many new insights and enthusiasm to continue cooperation and collaboration. In addition to providing benefits for each party, the collaboration that was built must also provide benefits to the community at large, especially in the social and cultural fields. Through this activity, UGM lecturers, researchers, and inventors in the future are expected to be more active in creating new innovations and expanding their wings to collaborate with various partners, so as to accelerate downstream and research innovations.

Author: Nimas
Photo: UGM Public Relations

LPDP Fest 2023

LPDP Fest 2023

Ir. H. Joko Widodo, President of the Republic of Indonesia, Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Sri Mulyani Indrawati, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.), Minister of Education of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Nadiem Anwar Makarim, B.A., M.B.A., and President Director of LPDP, Mr. Andin Hadiyanto, visited the Batik Tulis 4.0 Butimo Machine stand at the LPDP Festival 2023, which was held at Kasablanka Hall, Mall Kota Kasablanka 3rd floor, on August 1–3, 2023.

On this occasion Andi Sudiarso, Ph.D, as a researcher, had the opportunity to discuss and show directly how to operate the 4.0 Butimo hand-written batik machine to the President of the Republic of Indonesia, including in this case the LPDP Festival participants. Andi also had the opportunity to show off the batik cloth made by the 4.0 Butimo hand-written batik machine, with a variety of works, ranging from shoes, clothes, and original Batik Butimo cloth.

Improving Patent Quality, UGM – DJKI Holds Workshop and Assistance for Patent Document Preparation as Implementation of Patent Examiners Go to Campus Program Activities

Improving Patent Quality, UGM – DJKI Holds Workshop and Assistance for Patent Document Preparation as Implementation of Patent Examiners Go to Campus Program Activities

On Tuesday, July 11, 2023 at the Auditorium Building of the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), a Patent Document Drafting Workshop was held that was attended by lecturers, researchers, research assistants, and students to get material on patent document drafting from the Main Patent Examiner of the Directorate of Patents, DTLST, and Trade Secrets, Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI). This activity was also the opening of a series of Patent Examiners Go to Campus Programs held at UGM, starting July 11 to 21, 2023. The next series of activities is Patent Document Drafting Assistance with the Main Patent Examiner and Intellectual Property Commercialization Discussion.

The Patent Document Preparation Workshop began with an activity report by representatives from the Directorate of Cooperation and Empowerment of Intellectual Property, DJKI, followed by remarks from the Directorate of Research of UGM, represented by the Secretary of the Directorate of Research, Prof. drg. Diatri Nari Ratih, M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.KG(K). In his remarks, the Secretary welcomed the participants. Gratitude was also expressed to DJKI for their cooperation and it was an honor for UGM to be selected as one of 10 universities that had the opportunity to carry out the Patent Examiners Go to Campus Program. “Universities with their main task is to carry out the tri dharma in the fields of Education, Research, and Community Service to produce various innovative works that can get intellectual property rights protection,” said Prof. Diatri. The results of the tri dharma, in addition to obtaining intellectual property, also have moral rights and economic rights. In supporting efforts to increase intellectual property, especially in the field of patents, UGM has held Training of Trainers (ToT) activities for work units, training on patent document searches, and patent document search workshops.

The event was opened by the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Agung Rektono Seto, S.E., M.Si.. “We are proud to be present at UGM to jointly build patent improvement, especially in Yogyakarta, so that the patents produced can benefit the nation, especially the people of the Special Region of Yogyakarta”, said Agung. In this activity, the DJKI deployed 2 (two) Main Patent Examiners who took the time for approximately 14 days to assist inventors in preparing patent documents. Agung hopes that this activity will be a stimulus for lecturers and students to become inventors who not only protect their inventions but can also commercialize them so as to provide economic benefits for both inventors and the wider community. “Hopefully this activity can run smoothly and successfully and provide benefits to others,” said Agung.

After the opening ceremony, the Patent Document Preparation Workshop was filled with exposure material from the Main Patent Examiners, namely Ir. Sinom Pradopo as a patent examiner in the mechanical field and Dra. Sri Sulistiyani, M.Si. as a patent examiner in the biological and pharmaceutical fields. The material presented was Patent Governance in Higher Education and Patent Document Preparation as a provision for participants in participating in the next activity, namely patent document assistance with patent examiners.

Workshop and FGD on Improving the Quality of UGM Scientific Journals 2023

Workshop and FGD on Improving the Quality of UGM Scientific Journals 2023

The Directorate of Research of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) organized the “Workshop and FGD on Improving the Quality of UGM Scientific Journals in 2023,” which was held on Monday, July 31, 2023 in Bulaksumur Room, University Club (UC) Hotel UGM. This event aimed to strengthen cooperation and collaboration between scientific journal managers, so as to improve journal quality and encourage the growth of journal management at UGM. In addition, this event served as a forum for sharing experiences, thoughts, and best practices in the management of scientific journals at UGM.

The event was opened by the Secretary of UGM Research Directorate, Prof. drg. Diatri Nari Ratih, M.Kes., Ph.D., Sp.KG (K)., who in her opening remarks expressed great hope that all journal managers will increase UGM’s reputation as an excellent research university, through the management of journals with high standing. This hope is supported by the existence of various scientific journal management programs organized by the Directorate. The Head of the Sub-Directorate of Scientific Publication and Intellectual Property Directorate of Research UGM, Ratih Fitria Putri, S.Si., M.Sc., Ph.D., conveyed the various assistance programs, services, facilitation, and policies managed by the Directorate to facilitate and support scientific journals at UGM. The increased reputation of journals at UGM will certainly have a broad impact, both on the performance of the university as well as the development and dissemination of science.

Scientific journal accreditation is one of the instruments to encourage scientific journals to meet certain qualities and implement best practices in scientific publication. In line with this, scientific journal indexing institutions also apply strict standards and a more comprehensive evaluation process to ensure that indexed journals meet good publishing standards. Therefore, managers of scientific journals at UGM are required to have adequate knowledge and follow the latest developments, in either accreditation, indexation, or other important knowledge needed in journal management.

The Coordinator of Scientific Publications and Scientific Journals of DRTPM DIKTI Ristek, Yoga Dwi Arianda, S.T., was presented directly as a resource person in the first session to provide exposure and socialization related to scientific journal accreditation. The next material presentation was best practices in indexing scientific journals in Scopus, delivered by the second speaker, Dr. Miftahul Ilmi, S.Si., M.Si. who is the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology (JTBB). This first session was guided by moderator Ide Yunianto, S.Si., M.Eng, the Coordinator of Scientific Journal Management at the Directorate.

The Directorate of Research also presented speakers from the UGM Journal Reputation Improvement Acceleration Teams. The first speaker, Dr. Andri Putra Kesmawan, S.IP, M.IP, presented material about the application of Creative Commons licenses in scientific journals, followed by Dr. Purwani Istiana, S.I.P., M.A., who presented material about the best practices for indexing scientific journals in DOAJ. This second session was guided by Agustina Asih Tri Utami, S.T.P.

In the last session, namely the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) session, discussions and direct assistance were held, where a total of 174 participants who were representatives of 103 journals at UGM were divided into four different groups according to the current condition of each journal and according to the scientific cluster of the journal. The discussion of the strategic plan for scientific journals was guided by moderator Dr. Miftahul Ilmi, S.Si., M.Si, and the group of scientific journals in the field of social sciences and humanities was guided by moderator Widya Paramita, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D.

This workshop and FGD activities are expected to provide several outcomes, including: UGM journal managers attain additional knowledge about best practices and the latest information related to scientific journal management, understand the flow of the national journal accreditation process and indexation of scientific journals, and they receive the latest information related to scientific journal development programs organized by the Directorate of Research. With good management, it is expected that the quality and reputation of UGM journals will increase.

Author: Kiki
Photos: Ma’ruf

Book Writing Workshop 2023: How difficult is it to write textbooks and references?

Book Writing Workshop 2023: How difficult is it to write textbooks and references?

In order to improve the quality and quantity of book manuscripts produced by UGM, both by lecturers and education staff, the Directorate of Research held a “2023 Book Writing Workshop” on Tuesday, July 25, 2023 in Multimedia Room I, UGM Central Building.

The event began with remarks from the Director of Research, Prof. Dr. Mirwan Ushada, STP., M.App.Life.Sc., who in his speech expressed his hope that participants would immediately be able to start the preparation of their respective tri dharma works in the form of books, and that hopefully this workshop would produce outcomes that can be facilitated for the publishing process.

The speakers were Dr. Mutiah Amini, M.Hum., from the Faculty of Humanities, in the first session, with the theme “Becoming an Author of Reference Books and Textbooks, What’s the Difficulty?”, followed by Dr. rer. nat. Wiwit Suryanto, S.Si., M.Si., from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, in the second session, who provided an introduction into LaTeX typesetting, with “Writing a Book in LaTeX Format”. Participants showed enthusiasm following the presentations from both speakers, as evident in the discussion and QA session, where participants asked for writing tips and had discussions with both speakers, in terms of their book publishing experience.

Furthermore, there was a socialization session of the publishing program by the UGM Press Manager, Dr. I Wayan Mustika, S.T., M.Eng., and an explanation of the book publishing and marketing process by the UGM Press team.

The “Book Writing Workshop 2023” ended with a Manuscript Clinic for offline participants who already had a draft of their manuscript. This activity was expected to facilitate participants who already have a manuscript so that their work is ready to be published through UGM Press. This hybrid activity was attended by 53 participants, comprising lecturers and education staff who attended offline and no less than 57 participants who attended online. [Umar/Kiki]

Bakti Indonesia University Visited UGM

Bakti Indonesia University Visited UGM

On Friday, March 2sd 2018, students of Bakti Indonesia University visited UGM. It held at Ruang Pertemuan Pusat Inovasi Agroteknologi (PIAT’s meeting room) in Tirtomartani, Berbah, Sleman, which was attended by 100 students’ representative from different faculties. They were welcomed by Dr. Taryono (Head of PIAT) and Sri Mulyani, S.Sos (Head of the Monitoring and Evaluation Section of the Research Program).

The aim of this visiting is to introduce students about research and innovation in Agriculture that has been done by UGM, and also giving an understanding about the benefit of scientific development to support agriculture industry.

In that occasion, they got a chance to visit Rumah Inovasi Daur Ulang (Home Innovation Recycling) which led by Sulistiono, S.Pd., M.M (Rector of Bakti Indonesia University). The students were very interested in waste management system in UGM which based on fermentation, thermal, and mechanic.

Besides visiting waste management installation, the students also get extra knowledge in agriculture field by visiting Teaching Farm, Laboratorium Pasca Panen Peternakan (RPA), Instalasi Digester Biogas (Biogas Digester Installation), and Deer cage.

Discussion Role of Industry R & D in Research in UGM Environment

Discussion Role of Industry R & D in Research in UGM Environment

Involvement of industry becomes the key driver in order to accelerate innovation process, increase capacity and capability of research and development actors in industrial sector, and improve products of domestic industry, as well as provide job creation opportunities in the industrial sector with research projects


Mrs. Galuh Endah Palupi as Head of Research and Development of Research and Technology of R & D Dikti Industries explained that Dikti plans to dig up information about how universities see the research and development institution (R & D). Dikti in this case play a role to coordinate to strengthen the foundations of R & D institutions. It is behind the discussion of the role of industrial R & D in research in UGM, March 7, 2018 held in the space of Multimedia Room 2 UGM. Dikti’s party explained the focus of its target to strengthen the capacity of R & D institutions (governance, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, information access). Strengthen institutional research capacity and capability and research productivity. Strengthen the downstream of leading products developed by research-based institutions

Also presented some institutional issues of science and technology sector business entity. Not yet integrated policy with the relevant ministries of national industrial development. The absence of leaders in moving synergy in R & D activities. Industrial development that is still a join program, join activities and join budget. The direction of research development has not been done in line with the plan of industrial development and priority industry group. Not yet integrated research both off farm and on farm. R & D activities have not been directed towards increasing industrial added value and increasing industrial technology capability. The absence of fiscal policy support for the development of new industries. Lack of infrastructure support (laboratory and library). Minimum availability of reliable and certified industrial human resources.

Dr. Hargo Utomo, M.B.A. as Director of PUI (Business Development and Incubation) UGM presented his views. In relation to the results of the research, so that all funded research into efficient and effective dikti better focused at the end of research. Industries prioritize impact. Impact as an inventory measure and more. To realize it would be better if it focuses downstream first, then upstream. Can begin with the application of technology. Outline that need to be addressed is the quality of human resources, assets (including funding, etc.), and relationship. From the institutional side, vocational school is enhanced to focus on producing skillfull human resources and ready to work to operate the technology. Companies can open opportunities for interns. Cooperation between kemenakertrans, can be done to make a certification of a capability, so as to increase trust and interest from the industry. It could be a short-term solution for the industry to apply R & D results.

Associated with research, what is needed is the application of technology to improve productivity. Research funds are not only used as cost, but used as an investment so that from the capital there will be profit and balance balance is achieved. So there needs to be wider communication between institutions, kemenristekdikti with BI, kemenkeu, OJK, kemendag, kemenperin, kementan, kemenkes, LKPP, etc .. Also used corporate logic instead of bureaucracy. If there is no prohibition should an innovation be applied only, not waiting for the first policy that states are allowed or not. How to appreciate an industry that is willing to implement innovation from R & D is not always by giving money. Dikti can work with various agencies to ensure that the industry can increase its profits so that the industry will grow better. Could by way of tax holiday, lending with minimal interest, etc.

Dr. The Kompiang Wirawan, S.T, M.T. as Head of Incubation Sub Directorate of PUI also explained some things. Dikti should arrange and make a list of any company that prioritizes research and development products. Create a joint research and development between companies and universities. The university should also understand when information is provided and closed, so that the company can still grow but innovations from universities remain protected. Dikti can facilitate all these meetings. And the priority companies are chemical and pharmaceutical companies, because this field is the most widely used product research and development.

Dikti Thanked for all the views and input given by representatives from UGM and stated some plans in the future. Dikti will synergize between university research and industry. Improve cooperation among ministries. Finally, another meeting will be held to discuss this further.