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Bakti Indonesia University Visited UGM

Bakti Indonesia University Visited UGM

On Friday, March 2sd 2018, students of Bakti Indonesia University visited UGM. It held at Ruang Pertemuan Pusat Inovasi Agroteknologi (PIAT’s meeting room) in Tirtomartani, Berbah, Sleman, which was attended by 100 students’ representative from different faculties. They were welcomed by Dr. Taryono (Head of PIAT) and Sri Mulyani, S.Sos (Head of the Monitoring and Evaluation Section of the Research Program).

The aim of this visiting is to introduce students about research and innovation in Agriculture that has been done by UGM, and also giving an understanding about the benefit of scientific development to support agriculture industry.

In that occasion, they got a chance to visit Rumah Inovasi Daur Ulang (Home Innovation Recycling) which led by Sulistiono, S.Pd., M.M (Rector of Bakti Indonesia University). The students were very interested in waste management system in UGM which based on fermentation, thermal, and mechanic.

Besides visiting waste management installation, the students also get extra knowledge in agriculture field by visiting Teaching Farm, Laboratorium Pasca Panen Peternakan (RPA), Instalasi Digester Biogas (Biogas Digester Installation), and Deer cage.

Discussion Role of Industry R & D in Research in UGM Environment

Discussion Role of Industry R & D in Research in UGM Environment

Involvement of industry becomes the key driver in order to accelerate innovation process, increase capacity and capability of research and development actors in industrial sector, and improve products of domestic industry, as well as provide job creation opportunities in the industrial sector with research projects


Mrs. Galuh Endah Palupi as Head of Research and Development of Research and Technology of R & D Dikti Industries explained that Dikti plans to dig up information about how universities see the research and development institution (R & D). Dikti in this case play a role to coordinate to strengthen the foundations of R & D institutions. It is behind the discussion of the role of industrial R & D in research in UGM, March 7, 2018 held in the space of Multimedia Room 2 UGM. Dikti’s party explained the focus of its target to strengthen the capacity of R & D institutions (governance, human resources, facilities and infrastructure, information access). Strengthen institutional research capacity and capability and research productivity. Strengthen the downstream of leading products developed by research-based institutions

Also presented some institutional issues of science and technology sector business entity. Not yet integrated policy with the relevant ministries of national industrial development. The absence of leaders in moving synergy in R & D activities. Industrial development that is still a join program, join activities and join budget. The direction of research development has not been done in line with the plan of industrial development and priority industry group. Not yet integrated research both off farm and on farm. R & D activities have not been directed towards increasing industrial added value and increasing industrial technology capability. The absence of fiscal policy support for the development of new industries. Lack of infrastructure support (laboratory and library). Minimum availability of reliable and certified industrial human resources.

Dr. Hargo Utomo, M.B.A. as Director of PUI (Business Development and Incubation) UGM presented his views. In relation to the results of the research, so that all funded research into efficient and effective dikti better focused at the end of research. Industries prioritize impact. Impact as an inventory measure and more. To realize it would be better if it focuses downstream first, then upstream. Can begin with the application of technology. Outline that need to be addressed is the quality of human resources, assets (including funding, etc.), and relationship. From the institutional side, vocational school is enhanced to focus on producing skillfull human resources and ready to work to operate the technology. Companies can open opportunities for interns. Cooperation between kemenakertrans, can be done to make a certification of a capability, so as to increase trust and interest from the industry. It could be a short-term solution for the industry to apply R & D results.

Associated with research, what is needed is the application of technology to improve productivity. Research funds are not only used as cost, but used as an investment so that from the capital there will be profit and balance balance is achieved. So there needs to be wider communication between institutions, kemenristekdikti with BI, kemenkeu, OJK, kemendag, kemenperin, kementan, kemenkes, LKPP, etc .. Also used corporate logic instead of bureaucracy. If there is no prohibition should an innovation be applied only, not waiting for the first policy that states are allowed or not. How to appreciate an industry that is willing to implement innovation from R & D is not always by giving money. Dikti can work with various agencies to ensure that the industry can increase its profits so that the industry will grow better. Could by way of tax holiday, lending with minimal interest, etc.

Dr. The Kompiang Wirawan, S.T, M.T. as Head of Incubation Sub Directorate of PUI also explained some things. Dikti should arrange and make a list of any company that prioritizes research and development products. Create a joint research and development between companies and universities. The university should also understand when information is provided and closed, so that the company can still grow but innovations from universities remain protected. Dikti can facilitate all these meetings. And the priority companies are chemical and pharmaceutical companies, because this field is the most widely used product research and development.

Dikti Thanked for all the views and input given by representatives from UGM and stated some plans in the future. Dikti will synergize between university research and industry. Improve cooperation among ministries. Finally, another meeting will be held to discuss this further.